One small dose of clomid reverses my PFS temporarily. why?

I have had PFS for 3 years and ive tried everything. I am currently on 100mg test a week TRT and HC + t3 to keep my metabolic rate up. I suffer all the usual PFS sides.

I have tried DHT gel in the past and it kills my dick, same with proviron, masteron. 150mg test + 150mg nandrolone made me feel pretty normal at some points but alot of bloating.

Last week i took 12mg clomid. 4 hours later my voice dropped, my prostate tingled and my penis grew back to its normal thickness. I felt a rush of hormones and neaurotransmitters and i felt like i was on cocaine all day. WHen i smelt a girl i had a rush of euphoria and i felt like a man again. I woke up the next day feeling like my estrogen had raised. SO i took 0.25mg arimidex. 4 hours later i felt even better then last time. I felt raw agression and maleness. Then the same thing again i woke up the next day with high estrogen again. So i took 0.5mg arimidex and i went back to pre PFS feelings but it only lasted a few hours this time. So i tried DHT gel. It worked and i felt horny and manly and happy again, but it lasted only 1 hour. Now remember without clomid it did nothing.

It is now 5 days since the clomid dose and i feel like i have high estrogen again, but its pointless taking the AI because it cannot stop it so im going to wait it out and see if i get a better baseline once clomid stops acting.

My only explantion for the estrogen is, the clomid blocks the estrogen in the brain so my body incrreases LH to get more, i then take an AI and kill of aromatisaiton so the body makes the gap by using intratesticilar aromatise similar to HCG and the AI cannot stop it.

I will also mention progesterone made me feel amazing in may when i took one pill clomid. The clomid was in my system for 4 weeks and i used progesterone alot and i was getting better and better. Then once the clomid left the system progesterone stopped working and i ended up with progesterone dominance.

So AEC from here said that progesterone & Tribulus was a good combo for him, but when he did progestereone alone he got worse and worse and then he increase tribulus and got better again.
Light at the end used tongkat ali along with progesterone. Tongkat ali may work on a similar mechanism to tribulus for LH/FSH This guy fully recovered
ELB used progesterone and test boosters (trib/tongkat) and fully recovered
Me? i used progesterone with clomid in my system. I took 50mg clomid ONCE, and i used progesterone for the next 4 weeks with solid results, but after 4 weeks when the clomid was basically gone i started to get worse and worse on progesterone untill i ended up with progesterone dominance which i only just overcame this week from playing with clomid again.

Id like to understand why this is happening. SO i can learn how to use it better. I mean i literally went from feeling like an assexual woman to an aggresive man after that clomid dose, its the biggest breakthrough ive had in 3 years. It was so awsome the next few days taking arimidex and getting the feeling back. But i couldnt control the mysterious estrogen.