One pill is all it takes

It seems utterly incomprehesible what a single pill of finasteride has done to my life, that one dose could inflict irrepairable damage like this- it’s absolutely horrifying that a drug used to save a few strands of hair has castrated me and left me mentally disabled and I can’t do anything about it. It took me months to make the connection after doctors thought it was MS or tranverse myelitis but MRI’s came back negative no specialist nor the 20 or so doctors I seen could pin point what was going on. I suffered with extreme nerve pain and found that 5 alpha reductase was essential for the functioning of the nervous system and glial cells mine seemed to dysfunction after finasteride. I couldn’t even take a hot shower the sensitivity of the nerves in my hands was so unprofound that I had to wear gloves to protect my hands, I had a complete heat and cold intolerance, I would scream and cry for hours on end with the level of pain I felt which was absolutely the worst pain imaginable as if someone was using a blowtorch on me 24/7 night and day. The side effects that I’m facing at the present moment would send many men over the brink but I’m still fighting to hold on as I want these people reprimanded for completely destroying my life, I’m living yes but I feel dead inside and I understand that many are feeling the same and have been for years.

My opinion is that there are thousands of men out there who are in a similar position but haven’t made the connection or haven’t found this site so it is imperative that those who are dealing with this spread as much awareness as possible. Everyone must do their part no matter how big or small because at the end of the day change starts with us. I have written to multiple newspapers and I urge everyone to do the same even if one person gets a reply that’s huge. The publication from Reuters really opened my eyes to the potential!

We cannot let these evil people win, or let the poor souls who killed themselves because of this affliction die in vain.


Hello papasmurf,
It took me 18 years to make the connection. Many trips to consultants and doctors came up with nothing. I cam across this site and it all fell j to place. A few months ago I put a heartfelt message on fb to let people know about this drug. Someone mssged me to say a friends family member committed suicide because of fin. I only have 200 plus fb friends. Then I was I a clinic checking out prices for facial treatmentts.when j told the receptionsist it was because of fin she said her husband came close to suicide because of it and also list his business. This shows were just the tip of the iceberg. This is a hidden massacre of young men


That’s incredible @LazarusRy. Thanks for sharing.

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I absolutely agree, I think the number of adverse reactions is way higher than what people are thinking, the majority of people don’t make the connection as I said it took me months as I didn’t think a single pill could do this to me. Merck and Co continue to get away with murder and hide behind a smoke screen of denialism and money. It’s really a sad state when a man has no other way out from the side effects but to commit suicide because of a hair loss pill. How many more men need to die for us to be taken seriously?

How long were you on the pill 2981

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20 years on and off it has destroyed me. I have every side and some. It’s killing me effecting every aspect of my life so many mechanisms in my body and brain have been effected. Left work., marriage ended, most people have abandoned me. Everything I eat worsens things and I’ve aged 20 years in the last 12 months. Apart from that everything is rosey! Joking its horrendous 99,9% of the time

Jesus man my heart goes out to you sincerely it’s incredibly hard to cope and we are some of the bravest people I have seen to wake up and still get through the day in our states.

I feel my body slowly breaking apart from the silenced androgen receptors the ligaments in my hands, feet and padding that protects them has worn away it’s like I’m walking on pure bone it’s excruciating. I have accepted that I cannot turn back time even though the thought continuously rings through my head at my stupidity and the worst thing is that I knew about the sides but I had that crazy MPB itch and my hair was falling out in clumps enough to tip me overboard and try it however had I known others were in this condition from a single dose there’s no way on Gods green earth I’d have tried it but what can I do the damage has been done.

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How old are you how long did you take it for and how long have you been off it. What gave you tried so far. I’ve been through everything and would have done things differently if I’d known the cause. I might be able to offed some advice

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I only took 0.2mg of 1 pill believe it or not it’s now been 8 months later been hit with every side in the book and I only recently turned 28. Please do

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Do you consider any kind of natural or unnatural treatments for this? sad to hear man.

I took fin with 24. Just one year. I am now 38. I figured out the connection just 3-4 months ago.

I had suicide thoughts many times because I was thinking I am a failure and not worth living.

I ve seen so many doctors and did so many shit treatments that even made it worse (got 14 amalgam fillings removed without protection because I thought that is causing my brain fog).

It’s pure hell. I lost interest in women 14 years ago. And everybody around was thinking I am gay. Lost my girlfriend I was planning to Mary last year because I had no interest in sex and she was horny all day. She cheated on me, wich is somehow understandeable…

After finding out she cheated on me and left me for that guy, my recovery naturally started. For the first time in my life I felt deep anger and allowed me to let it out. In forms of screaming loud, boxing, talking more aggressive to others etc. I dont know if that released some testosteron. But it felt great for over 8 months. I was normal! Great sleep. High Libido. Super clear head. I was able to eat everything. Positive. More social.

2 months ago I decided to take fluconazole and crashed again. Slowly starting to recover again. 2 days ago I had sex 2 times within an hour. It was with Viagra but still a progress.

Edit: As a sidenote I started taking Viagra 2 months ago because a friend (no pfs) told me how great sex feels on Viagra. To be honest my boner was the same without. It just made things worse because I lost confidence to have sex without viagra now. Today I had sex (with the hottest hooker I ever had) without viagra and could not hold my erection because I became nervous. That did not happened often the last years. So she gave me a bj I came within a minute (usually I can stand 10 minutes easily) and feel completely shit now.

I’m sorry you’ve had to live like this for so long people who invented this should be lined up and forced to take this poison on and off until they crash it angers me so much this thing just stinks of corruption and cover ups. What treatments have you untaken unknown? Sorry about your girlfriend maybe in the future you’ll meet someone much better.

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Thanks papasmurf

Not sure what you mean by untaken?

I agree with you. Just last week I was thinking they should give fin to pedophiles. Within a month they would be castrated.

Life seems very unfair. Took also accutane with 15 wich damaged already so much. I wish I would never have touched that stuff. Living with this shit for 23 years. I dont even know who I am. I was the most funny guy in town before I took accutane. Since then I am just a shadow of my self.

Correction- undertaken*

These drugs should be banned outright or a drug to counter the sides to be brought forward there’s too many suffering and I believe we are only hitting the tip of the iceberg.

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