Older guy. Going TRT route or not?


Like a lot of guys with PFS i have low T. Don’t know exactly what my values are, but a few years ago it was borderline low.

I am now 47 y/o. PFS for over 25 years. Despite a mostly healthy life i have still low libido and bad sleep. It’s very hard to gain muscles. Also i can’t get rid off my belly fat. It’s not like i am very much out of shape, i have broad shoulders and muscular arms, but still not schredded . It doesn’t fit my effort, training 3 times a week. My stats are nothing to brag about. 3 reps of 100 kg benchpress, 10x 55 overhead press, 6x100 Squad, 1x150 deadlift
10 times bodyweight + 10 kg weighted vest pull ups.

As i have already low T and ibecoming old, haha, i wonder if i should go the TRT route. From what i read TRT doesn’t help with libido for us. But does is still help aging in a healthier way? And maybe give me better results in the gym (although i don’t feel the urge to become a bodybuilder).
Any older guys doing theTRT route?


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You have absolutely no PFS from what you’ve been saying, let alone for 25 years. Don’t play with hormones. From the weights you lift, you look great, avoid doing damage. I’m your age and I’ve been hiring for 22 years, I’ve been suffering from hallucinating pains and loss of muscle mass for almost two years. I can’t even do squats with my body weight. Have a good life



Whether you have PFS only you truly can tell. Take opinions with a grain of salt.

I’m here to discuss TRT. I am 69 and have been on TRT for over a decade. I had a fantastic sex life, and I stood 6’4" with a 54 inch chest and 40 inch waist. Then all was going wrong and I found my testosterone level was near zero. (This was pre-PFS, BTW.)

My urologist started me on TRT (Androgel) and life was back to normal, with proper testosterone levels. Sex was normal, yay.

Three years later I took Proscar and in under 90 days had all the classic symptoms of PFS. It has been seven years now with PFS and I still take TRT. But TRT doesn’t mitigate the PFS harm.

My sex life is again nonexistent and I can’t lose the weight gain (100#) that hit me with PFS. I’ve had some periods in the past year when recovery seemed possible, only to crash again.

The end result, the moral of this story? Don’t expect TRT to cure PFS, but it may keep your baseline better than without. Jim


Thanx Wildman. I believe that you were in good shape. Not to sound rude, 52 inch chest is good, but a 40 inch waistline isn’t that small though?

You’re 69. Despite haring PFS , you have reached this age. I have some relatives who past away before 60. So in that way i’m happy for you.
It’s like you say, I hope for a better baseline, and maybe a smaller waist with TRT , but i don’t expect miracles.

Are you still on Androgel or did you switch to injections? From my knowledge injections are more effective

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That would have been during my prime over 30 years ago. Lifting weights and a constant sex life keep you trim. Now, I have a waist that’s closer to 60". It’s breaking my heart and I can’t seem to do anything about it. Damn PFS with his constant fatigue and muscle waste.

Yes I still use gel and it keeps my testosterone levels in a safe Zone. Recently my endocrinologist was planning to stop my TRT, and she actually asked me “What do you need testosterone for, you’re almost 70 years old?” I could have smacked her for that insensitivity.

So I would say get testosterone to help keep your body where it should be, but don’t expect it to solve your sex life problems. Jim


Please keep strong bro!! That was an extremely stupid and insensitivity from her. 70 is not old!! Don’t know where you from, but in the USA you can also order from online clinics. Also injections (but not Nebido) would probably a better route then Androgel.

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