Like a lot of guys with PFS i have low T. Don’t know exactly what my values are, but a few years ago it was borderline low.
I am now 47 y/o. PFS for over 25 years. Despite a mostly healthy life i have still low libido and bad sleep. It’s very hard to gain muscles. Also i can’t get rid off my belly fat. It’s not like i am very much out of shape, i have broad shoulders and muscular arms, but still not schredded . It doesn’t fit my effort, training 3 times a week. My stats are nothing to brag about. 3 reps of 100 kg benchpress, 10x 55 overhead press, 6x100 Squad, 1x150 deadlift
10 times bodyweight + 10 kg weighted vest pull ups.
As i have already low T and ibecoming old, haha, i wonder if i should go the TRT route. From what i read TRT doesn’t help with libido for us. But does is still help aging in a healthier way? And maybe give me better results in the gym (although i don’t feel the urge to become a bodybuilder).
Any older guys doing theTRT route?