I was on 1.25mg (prescribed by my Dr.) for a 18 months. Side effects were there, but was able to maintain an erection off and on, however, libedo was significantly reduced.
I have been off this shit for 5 months. My sex drive is hitting lows and lowers. I am able to masterbate and get off. but I have to keep stimulating myself to maintain an erection. If I stop, I lose it. When I am about to cum, i get very hard again. I cannot keep a consistant erection during sex. I have been taking viagra to keep me going when I am with a girl.
How long will can I expect this to go on for based on the 18months of using this poison? I refuse to belive I cannot cure my body, I will go to any lengths.
Please help me guys. I am terrified from what I’ve been reading on these posts.
BTW… 29 years old not. Start the drug at 27