Numbness, Premature Ejaculation and Hard Flaccid.

Hi guys,

I am new here and I wanted to get a post put together and ask users about these 3 problems, if anyone has had any success in treating them and ideas around them.

Does anyone suffer form these 3 problems? Has anyone had brief recoveries (particularly with numbness)? Has anyone found anything useful for treating purely sexual side effects of this drug?

I am finding people are having varied symptoms, i.e numbness, hard flaccid and no PE. numbness, pe and no HF. I want to get together people success stories with having the penis reconnect with the brain as this is what I am worried about the most. I noticed on another post several people had a pelvic ultrasound showing blood flow blockage and in certain areas which would suggest nerve entrapment.

This post may be a bit of a mess but please help!


stop masturbating completely, don’t fuckign touch gluten with a 10 foot pole or anything else for that matter that isn’t straight from nature, start walking AS MUCH as you can everyday, sitz baths, kill anything from your supplements/vitamins that decrease nitric oxide…


Thanks for the info, have you had any luck with regards to recoveries Bryce? I will do anything to rid my body of this. Do you have the same side effects as given in the links below by moonman1?

Moonman1: I find those posts very informative, thank you for sharing. I really do think this problem is related to elevated estrogen levels triggering some automatic inflammation. I will discuss this with you outside the forum as to how things are going.

I know I would have the same results if I went and got tested so I am tempted not to bother…it would feel like getting the tests done for the sake of it. Can anyone forward me the French doctors details just in case though?

With regards to this inflammation stuff, what has yielded the best results? I noticed Tamoxifen has made several appearances on this board which would support the estrogen theory (crashes could be due to a rebound!).

Does anyone have a weird symptom where the penis tenses when they touch it, or when they are aroused it actually becomes even smaller and more tense, instead of growing and relaxed? Like having peyronies too except it straightens once it gets fully erect?

Jeff! This happens to me! If I just take a look at it it’s fine, but as soon as you touch it, it tenses and becomes a “hard flaccid.” Has this problem resolved for you yet?

I believe the hard flaccid you are describing is just the penis shriveling into itself. It’s no way a form of erection or anything special. The penis just shrinks and get tense like after it’s in contact with cold.

Worsetimingever: Nothing yet as I haven’t been consistent! I’ve been thinking about this for months now, I do not believe the nerves have been directly damaged by hormones but indirectly affected by the muscles in the pelvic floor.

I found this post online which pretty much fits the pudendal npathy diagnosis and fits in with HF: … how/383835

Read the last guys post.

This is obviously nerve related, numbness, function etc are impaired - plus actual diagnosis of about 10 people. I believe it is a case of controlling the pressure and loosening the tissues while fighting inflammation. I don’t buy for a second that hormones would cause nerve damage, whether cns or pns, overnight!

Proper nerve damage should not give symptomatic relief using antibiotics.

Has anyone had any luck with this?

are any of you getting any return of penis sensitivity or varying degrees of sensitivity? After 6 months of numbness, I am getting sensitivity back

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Has anybody moisturised their penile skin? Perhaps the numbness is due to dry skin?

actually, i use kukui oil on it and it does help some, and i would recommend it to everyone here, but i think the whole numbness and rubbery skin thing is far more severe than just “dry skin”