Not sure if I am recovered or not

I’m not sure How severe my PFS, if anyone could chime in please fee free to do so.

I took fin for about 8 months and stopped September 2017.
Since stopping my erections have gotten better but still not what they used to be, and I I have PE, I can usually finish really quickly when masterbating so I’m always edging. While before my wrist would hurt as I would take long sometimes. (Sorry for the details).

When I first stopped I thought my only problems was erectile function and that my depression was from that. However, after getting better in that department I still feel pretty off most days.(My IIEF was quite a bit higher than the rest that did the survey) Now I don’t know how much of this is attributed to Nocebo, as I have been reading on this forum constantly.

My total Test results almost doubled from 380 to 660 over the past year and a half. (Still waiting for free T results but haven’t gotten that earlier). Although I don’t really notice a major difference.
Again, my libido isn’t great either I enjoy master bating but I don’t feel the need to.
Strong nocturnal and morning erections sometimes as I have a lot of 18+ dreams I think this is due to worrying about PFS all the time. Also, I get wet dreams pretty often (I don’t attribute this my T levels increasing because I’ve been having them ever since I stopped Fin)
Another symptom I have is constant dull ache around my groin/testes from before stopping but after starting fin , all doctors told me I have nothing but the last one prescribed me celecoxib. I’m yet to try it as after my first dose I woke with flaccid hour glass, used to get this a lot after coming off Finasteride, so I said I’d wait a bit and recover after my recent holiday which involved a lot of drinking and other things before I try it again.
Is it that I have mild PFS and I’m convincing myself that I have it bad or am I just trying to lie to myself thinking that I might have it mild.

Sorry for the long post, I know it’s all over the place so any advice would be appreciated.

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