Nocturnal Erections

Hi Guys,

Like many of you, i have noticed my nocturnal and morning erections have disappeared almost entirely since quitting fin. I have read that a healthy male should have on average three a night lasting around half an hour each. The purpose of these erections is to provide the penis with a fresh supply of blood and keep the tissues in the penis healthy. So, i’m concerned about the long term damage that could result from the absence of nocturnal erections.

I had a theory that it might be beneficial to use an aid such as VERY small dosages of viagra (low enough to avoid a risk of priapism) or another supplement each day to guarantee that these erections take place and the penis does not become damaged from a lack of oxygenated blood.

Any thoughts?


It’s defitinitely a struggle in that department. I feel some positive changes, though they are sporatic in nature. I seem to have dreams and have erections during the dreams. I remember them when I wake, but usually there is no wood at all when I wake.

Last night, I was laying in bed for a few minutes just thinking about some women that I met and how hot I thought they were and I started to get wood. It wasn’t completely stiff or anything, but helll I’ll take any spontaneous wood I can get.

Have you had a blood test done? I recall you saying you have been off of the drug for a year now. I’m not at that point yet, so that is a little discouraging.

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