Nocturnal erection xanax

I took fin. March 31 - April 23, 2014.

I stopped after I had a sharp pain during sex and my penis/ball went numb and shrunk. I google the symptoms and found this site. Shortly after quitting I had major pelvic/penis pain that last 3-4 days. My pain cleared up and about 7 days after quitting I was able to get an erection again but it took mostly visual concentration and manual stimulation. My penile sensitivity is low. I feel hot and cold but not much more. I have had terrible insomnia since then. I wake up as described here not feeling rested only getting 2-4 house of sleep at best.

Anyway I took about 1/3 of a Xanax and it gave me terrible nightmares. The next night I did noting but cal/mag. Slept a shitty 2 hours then back up. I ordered some Allo Spray hoping that might help. It did nothing. Then last night I decided to cut the Xanax pill down to 1/4 and take it right before I wanted to go to bed. It knocked me right out and I had good dreams this time. I even work up with a full erection. I still have low sensitivity. Does this mean anything? If the sensitivity would come back and I could sleep Id just about consider myself (mostly) back to normal. I question if my poor cognitive state is lack of rest… It feels like it to me but I can’t shake it. Anyone have their sensitivity come back? or is that a sure sign that I am totally fucked?