No fap experience

So i did 2 weeks of no fap, (a bit hard haha). And i was very surprised from the impact.

Im taking tribulus and read that no fap boosting it and tried it out.

My improvment was mainly mental. I didnt really notice anything in the beginning, but by the end of the second week i realise how much i changed. My confidence got sky high, my energy and general mood improved and i felt totally better.

I dont have mental sides from finasteride so this is why im so surprised. For healthy person no fap has such a good impact. I remember myself driving my car going back from work, so happy saying to myself “I love my life, im fulfilling myself”. “Everything is good about my life” and i started to count everything that going well in my life.

I am happier person and will recommened everyone to try no fap. I dont know if the strong impact was placebo but you got to fucking try it, i will never go back to fap everyday like i used to. Im so much happier right now.

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I have experienced the same thing - around the 6 day mark I felt so happy out of nowhere - I was more talkative and confident.

My experience:
No fap for over 1 month, no differences. Just testicular pain.


I always get testicular pain when I fapped…

Are u still doing trib?

I’m similar to you I don’t have any mental sides besides less dopamine and brain fog and I did 14 days nofap and also had a similar thing happen where I would have windows where I felt better.

Yes i do, i cant really tell now if it doing a difference.