Nitric Oxide Synthesas Significantly Lower and Discontinuous in Varicose Veins

Study Attached.

Page 5 says:

The expressions of nNos and iNos were also significantly lower and discontinuous in varicose compared with control (healthy) vein samples.

I think this is pretty significant because many people say they have bulging veins or veins popping out in their penis. I know some people even have painful veins which points me in the direction that we have varicose veins in our penis. Also, the “hard flaccid” penis tells me blood is trapped, which could also be impacting the nitric oxide production. This study is telling me that when we have varicose veins, it will stop nitric oxide production. This could be what is causing numbness or erectile dysfunction.

Any feedback would be helpful. I know it says specifically nNos and iNos, yet there are multiple nitric oxide things going on not only those two, but I know those two are very important.
11201-05.pdf (521 KB)

What does this mean? Permanent damage? Is that why fixing hormones doesn’t fix our ED problem?

No, I don’t think it means permanent damage… I don’t know what it means… I think it may be big though in our problem. Varicose veins aren’t impossible to heal… it’s just about getting good blood flow there. I’m reading about varicose veins and I’m finding that processed foods, sugary foods, and gluten are really causing problems in them… which would explain why my “leaky gut” esque diet is successful for me. (BTW, avoid celery, I just found this out today). Although, it doesn’t really explain the other problems like sleep, muscle twitching, shrunken testicles, etc. But, I haven’t researched them like I am researching the penis sensitivity stuff.

I all ready know that messing with hormones doesn’t solve the problem as this forum wouldn’t be here if that was the case.

I know I’m going to be doing no masturbating, more sitz baths, more walking, and more heated pad to my penis though that’s for sure to help blood flow… this could also maybe explain where my thoughts on “sexual exhaustion” come into play… perhaps the penis was over masturbated while on an anti DHT, which caused varicose veins somewhere in the body… stopping the way they work… maybe the more serious cases are varicose veins spread through the penis… ?

This is all theory though… although I’ve found some other stuff on my other computer about how nitric oxide is produced via some kind of bacteria in the gential tract or something (if someone knows about that, please post, or I’ll post the study I have later)

Here’s some other interesting stuff I’ve found on nitric oxide…

I’ve noticed in the past in my diet that when I eat lettuce foods, my hairs starts getting itchy. My diet was mostly things like lettuce, kale, and maybe one or two other vegetables. But I never really saw any connection as to why it was helping, until I found this… which COULD explain what’s going on, but not sure…

So on this website:

It says: " On the basis of these studies, it was believed that NO is acutely terminated by oxidation to nitrite and nitrate. However, it is now appreciated that nitrite or nitrate can be recycled to produce NO in various ways"

So that is saying that nitrite and nitrates can be used to actually make nitric oxide in the body.

And this book:

The major sources of nitrites/nitrates occuring naturally in food are iceberg lettuce and romaine lettuce, each at around 28%.

So I’m wondering if by eating lots of lettuce, my body is able to make nitric oxide via nitrites/nitrates, even though i have varicose veins which make them nitric oxide disabled… ? This is one of my guesses right now…

I lost the study on the bacteria thing arg… it may be difficult to find it again…

I’m not sure this study is saying anything except they found an opposite result as the previous study. I also didn’t see that it implies a causal relationship to varicose veins causing a halt in NO production. It seems you have a chicken or the egg argument with 2 sets of data pointing in the opposite direction.

Yeah, I guess it is contradicting… not sure what’s going on here… although it’s clear something is going with these veins… maybe this isn’t the right way to look at it…

I have(had) massively bad varicose veins. Had them stripped from my legs

I stick to my argument that the veins are caused by pelvic floor tension.

Trigger Point Therapy / Stress Relief or Meditation
Then Strengthening months later.

Add in A-1 blockers if you want.

Guarantee the veins will disappear, penis will get bigger/normal, and you will have more blood and sensation to the penis. NO will increase after this.

can you tell me a bit more of your steps. What A-1 blockers do you take / how do they work?
What exactly are you “stretching” and then strenghtening? (is it pelvic floor exercise?)

For approx. half a year my penis has shrunken (loss of girth) and I want to get my girth back. I am really shocked that I could get even worse (I think it could be linked to “over-masturbation” and the use of Tamoxifen). All in all I am suffering for almost eight years.

hey man, i can tell you from first hand experience that sugar makes my penis get firm, shrivel up, and turtle into my body. this is from like candy (high sugar content), fruit can do the same thing although not as severe. it might be something to look into to avoid or maybe you’ve noticed you’ve had something similar to it.

Hey man… yeah I agree with you pelvic floor has something to do with it and you may be right about it causing the problems. so i think i read somewhere that the alpha blockers stop your body from producing the stress neurotransmitter or hormone? so i can see how that is pelvic floor related… interesting stuff. i meditated for the last 2 days, i’m goign to step it up to twice a day now, thanks for the tip.

Check out these threads for more info.

Pelvic Floor - viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5341&start=40

Alpha-1 blockers - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5792

They do not stop your body from producing norpeinephrine…instead they block norepinephrine from being able to “work its magic” on the pelvic floor muscles.

How have you progressed? has meditation worked? I do have varicose veins on my penis and they hurt for me. It seems that they get work when I stress.