Hey everyone. I am from the pssd forum and have made a post there about the substance nilotinib there that might also be interesting for u guys, since pssd and pfs are so familiar.
I am a big believer of the theory that several of our genes are silenced due to the ssri/finasteride/accutane. This thread explains it all: http://www.pssdforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2419&hilit=epigenetic
To unsilence these genes, we need to demethylate (unsilence) them. The only true demethylation agents out there are 2 chemos called Aza en Deca. I am on a quest to get treatment of these agents, which is very hard to do. On this ‘‘quest’’ i have found something very interesting. Over the past few years a chemo called nilotinib has been given in low doses to parkinson patients with great succes.
‘‘An FDA-approved drug for leukemia improved cognition, motor skills and non-motor function in patients with Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia in a small phase I clinical trial, report researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) in Washington. In addition, the drug, nilotinib(Tasigna® by Novartis), led to statistically significant and encouraging changes in toxic proteins linked to disease progression (biomarkers).’’ https://gumc.georgetown.edu/news-release/cancer-drug-improved-cognition-and-motor-skills-in-small-parkinsons-clinical-trial/
I didn’t understand why this would work untill i found this article: ‘‘Inactivation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Reverts Aberrant DNA Methylation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia’’ Nilotinib has this effect, it’s mentioned in the article itself https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A0390c4f3-b647-47cb-a75e-fa8b445b688a
I think there might be a chance that this low dose use of nilotinib can be beneficial for us. Me myself, i would rather go for Deca, but the nilotinib is way easier to try yoursef, it can be taken in pillform. I am interested in what you guys think. I have ordered it btw, and might try.