Next steps on your path?

Guys what are your next steps you will try to get over this?

I personally plan to do as follows: Visit orologist (have a pain in the region of my butt while sitting)->try to keep on with my viagras and tadalafil and try to do waterfasting->visiting Dr. Zitzmann ->injections->last step if nothing works I have to go with a penile implant

I also get the butt pain it used to take hours to set iin. It’s almost immediate now and has spread to my legs. It wears off to a degree with walking or lying flat. Let me know what the doc says about this particular side. Personally I think it’s linked to muscle atrophy but it would be good to get another view

@LazarusRy went to the doc and he did not say a lot about my issue. He will do a blood test to check my hormones. I told him aswell that I have problems with my erection more when i am standing. He will send me now to a specialist to check if I have a venous leak or other issues with my blood vessels down there. He told me of course that is more likely to be psychological than a leak because it is rarely to have it in my age.

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@LazarusRy Update: I have prostatitis (diagnosed by the doc). Just to let you know.

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Keep us updated @Jonnas12

Thanks for letting me know @Jonnas12 what does that mean in terms of a treatment plan, etc. Great you got it pinned down.

@LazarusRy I will get a call from my doc. I will inform you as soon as i know more. Have a nice evening.

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You to my friend

WTF Keep us posted and good luck seems like u don’t have a choice re anti bionics. Hopefully they don’t burn u.

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@LazarusRy @Cbrandel I don’t know if I should continue taking these antibiotics. Got pressure in my head, ears and eyes since. Runny nose, sore throat, coughin a lot and can’t smell anymore. I am now much more sensitive to noises.

It could be corona aswell.

What conerns me more is that I can’t feel satiety. I can eat and drink as much as I want there are no signals from my body to stop.

Sorry to hear this @Jonnas12 experience tells me its PFS this god damn disease. I don’t know whether to suggest to stick with them or parachute nothing is cut and dried

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Good luck


I wouldn’t stop the antibiotics since you started tbh. Mycoplasma is a nasty bacteria which hides within your cells.

Not going through with the full course after starting can lead to the bacteria becoming resistent.

If you feeling terrible please at least talk to your doctor before deciding to stop taking them.


@Cbrandel good advice

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Hey @Cbrandel thx a lot! Was reading that it could be worsening everything if I stop now. So I definitely will continue. Sorry I’ve never made experience with taking antibiotics.

Self test done: it’s negativ (no covid), thx to fin


Update: The treatment maybe improved my ED but I think it is due to the antibiotics itself. There were a lot of guys in here with ‚windows‘ for better erections during medication. Most likely the second for me aswell. But the skin on my forehead (face) looks like garbage.

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So the issue with my prostate/pelvic floor remained the same. Today I went to an other urogolist for a second opinion since the first couldn’t help me. The second one, for now, has much more knowledge. I told him about my issues without putting finasteride in spot. I told him that I took it for a few years (I did not mention pfs). He immediately told me that fin in such young years is like a bomb for the hormonesystem. He asked me a lot of question about my sides when I was taking finasteride, he was very interested. I did not push the conversation about fin, he was.

Now I have to make an other urination and ejaculation test. I brought him the first test from the other urologist and he was shocked that I had a lot of infectional bacterias inside my penile/prostate.

Will keep this updated. Results will come in the end of this week or in the beginning of the next week.

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“Today I went to an other urogolist for a second opinion since the first couldn’t help me. The second one, for now, has much more knowledge.”

I should have done that after the urologist gave me Finural a Finasterid generic " just to try" although I told him I’m still sexual active.

So the best thing ever after visiting a doc is to go for a second opinion. It could have saved my live, if I had done that.

The doc said to me that my hair was looking good so finasteride had his impact. I told him that I would never have taken finasteride if I knew the sideeffects. He also told me that prostaplant-f I was taking for a few days had sawpalmetto as ingredient. So I will throw this away after I get home.