New Victim! Feeling depressed [CRASHED] - Test results - 75% RECOVERED

This is SO encouraging. My husband went through much the same process, off Finasteride for 11 months, and has continued to improve. He is still in denial that finasteride was THE cause, as there were SO many problems. However, I sort of blame the drug for that, as well, because his abilities to reason, properly analyze, or form good judgments were certainly hampered. It is such a shame that none of the doctors that were involved in his care ever came to consider finasteride as the culprit. It robbed us of much, but weā€™re doing our best not to be beat. Keep on keeping on! All best wishes.


Thank you for the positive story and glad you are recovered

I have a some questions for you as Im recovering myself (2 months off Fin)

  • How was your libido before Fin?
  • Did your libido return to 1000% Pre-Fin levels?
  • How about visual libido (ability to get hard from women / sexual thoughts without the use of hand)
  • Did you regain full sensitivity to penis? What about erection fullness

(sorry for asking these types of questions, I just want some HOPE that these specific symptoms are recoverable as they are my worse, most annoying and amongst the only sides remaining.)

Sad to hear about it but good to hear that reading my story gives you hope.

2 months is still very very early. I am currently 10 months off and it took at least 6 to 8 months for my hormonal levels to get back to somewhat normal.

  • Libido before Fin was good, it depends on your age and cardiovascular fitness on how high or low it is though.
  • Yes it has returned a 100%. It did take about 8 months for it to become more steady. Before that it seemed to fluctuate on a day by day / weekly basis.
  • It came back, as I have noticed with dating. No hands needed to get hard XD
  • Sensitivity came back full as well as the fullness. This might sound weird but even after 8 months Iā€™ve noticed major positive differences on the sensitivity and fullness department up to month 10 which I am currently in now.

Hope this helps you get through the upcoming months brother, safe.



Thank you so much. After so many weeks of negative self talk and regret over the taking the poison combined with the mental stress from reading PFS forumsā€™ stories, its FINALLY amazing to hear that theres positive HOPE for actual LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.

As I mentioned , Those symptoms i asked about are my worst ones. I think about it everyday and it really messes with my mental state.
(I def used to be on the higher end of libido pre fin so for me the 180 is really disheartening)

I am so glad to hear you have recovered from your symptoms. I can agree with the zig-zag recovery. There are days where im like half okay and other days (like today) where i literally dont even think about sex once whatsoeverā€¦

You were very smart to quit right after the first pill. From what i read Topical doesnt have nearly as much of strong effect on your neurosteriods.

Do you recommend any specific supplements?
Im taking A WHOLE BUNCH but nothing seems to have a lasting effectā€¦

Can u post ur PFS recovery story .
Thank u , atleast u r giving some hope .

Read everything ,
Thnk u for giving us a hope .

glad that i can help

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Hi Casual. I was reading your thread and saw you saying about problems with premature ejaculation. Iā€™m having problems with this as well. Is it okay again along with the other symptoms that got better?

Also, iā€™d like to know if your diet was only including healthy foods or if it involved also strict strategies like avoiding anything.

Congrats for the recovery. Enjoy life, itā€™s a beautiful road.

hey Brother,

I had premature ejaculation from until about 6 to 8 months post fin.
This symptom recovered but it took almost the longest. Currently I am 11 months post fin use.

I do try to eat healthy foods weekly and only have ā€˜cheatā€™ meals during the weekend.
Think of avocado, salmon, lemon (e.g. in tea), broccoli, mixed nuts etc. etc. I also workout at least 3x a week (mix of cardio and weightlifting).

Good luck on your recovery and stay positive, time heals a lot of your symptoms.


You are my favorite recovery story on this site. I keep coming back to it to give myself HOPE when im feeling down. Currently at 3 months post fin and 2 months post Min.

I was gonna ask, how important would you say NoFap and NoPorn is to recovery? Did you ever try it?

Is this the entire result from this saliva hormone test or just a section of the report ?

Is ā€œpregnenolone sulfateā€ included in this saliva hormone test ?

Did you have saliva DHT tested?

Itā€™s my understanding that saliva hormone testing is showing the amount of free hormones of a particular hormone not bound. Itā€™s also my understanding that the amount of free hormone of a particular hormone is what makes it to the receptor. So in the case of testosterone and Estradiol we are talking the AR receptors and ERa and ERb the estrogen receptors.

Your free estrogen (saliva) is towards the top of the reference range. My free estrogen (saliva) is towards the bottom of the reference range.

Same with free testosterone (saliva). Yours toward the top of the reference range and mine towards the bottom

I wonder if this is evidence that your receptors are down regulated and mine are up regulated. Maybe this is why your body binds less of the testosterone and estradiol and mine binds more

After reading several recovery posts and talking to people personally, it seems like the 6 months mark is a recurring theme. Iā€™m quite curious what is happening in the body?

I know Saliva hormones represents free amounts. Did you have Saliva DHT tested?

I had that done after PFS hit me hard, after about 6 weeks post. No DHT, only Test levels.
Around the 4th month mark I did a bloodtest incl. DHT levels.
Hope this answers your question.

For all my brothers that have kept me sane during times of distress and horror.

I want to give you some hope by saying that i have completely recovered from all my symptoms post fin (now 14 months post fin use). Somehow I cannot change the title of this thread, as far as I am considered this can be changed to 100% recovered.

Hope that this will give some hope for some that are still in it struggling. I wish you all will find some improvements with time. I hope that I wont make a mistake like taking a fin type of drug in the future and frying my nervous system again.

Stay positive, bless.


How severe was your penile insensitivity, and it took around 8 months to notice a major change?

It was pretty severe, I had all the symptoms you can imagine (flaccid, rubbery, no libido, difficulties/unable getting it hard and so on).

After 6 months I had some improvement in the penile department, however still zig-zaggy.
It started to restore after 8months post and onwards.

I currently have zero penile issues.

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Did your hair loss increase during recovery?My PFS is almost six months .

Iā€™m on 2 months and my hair loss has continued.

Did you have testicle shrinkage?