New Syndrome Flouroquinolone Associated Disability

Hey guys. Wow I havent been on this site in so long. My last post was in 2010. Have I been through some shit. I was very active in the post drug syndrome community for many many years. There is another syndrome to add to your syndromes pages, it is called Flouroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome. It is recognized by the FDA, and yet there are still no research going into treating it. Flouroquinolones cause severe neurological disorders and chronic pain disorders and many people have committed suicide. I’ve been totally brain damaged and crippled. Initial reaction 4 years ago was I got up seizuring and convulsing with the most insane feeling of impending doom with more than 50 symptoms that followed over the next weeks months and years.

Add this syndrome to your syndromes! Maybe since the FDA recognized and even coined their own term ‘FQAD’ AKA Flouroquinolone Associated Disability they will do the same with Accutane and Finasteride eventually, though dont know if that will help lead to treatments. As I said there is also many suicides in the flouroquinolone community, same as here. Here was the last one. It’s crazy I remember guys back in the day taking Cipro which is a flouroquinolone for their propecia damage. Wow if only they knew the risk they were taking! There is over 35,000 people in facebook groups related to flouroquinolones I believe with millions affected worldwide as its the most commonly prescribed antibiotic. Read the nature article!

In 2016, the agency accepted the existence of a [potentially permanent syndrome that it calls fluoroquinolone-associated disability (FQAD)] and recommended that the drugs be reserved for serious infections.

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Thanks for keeping us updated. How have you been these past years?

From the article above:

“Another factor is scientists’ reluctance to publish results that drug companies might find unfavourable. “There’s a long history of adverse action against people who expose drug and chemical harms,” says Golomb. She cites a list made by the pharmaceutical firm Merck of doctors who criticized the anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx (rofecoxib), which was withdrawn from the market over an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. According to internal e-mails read out in court in 2009 as part of a Vioxx class-action case in Australia, a list e-mailed among Merck employees contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralize”, “neutralized” or “discredit” next to them. (Merck did not respond to Nature ’s request for comment.) Aggressive tactics are “a very big problem”, says Bennett, who says he has been threatened by drug companies in the past.”

Drug companies represent the greatest failure of capitalism.


This is a very good article. We might want to get in touch with the author to write a similar article about PFS.

Also, we might be able to learn from the experience of the FQAD community. Someone was able to test patients for gene variants?

Norfloxacin (brand name Noroxin etc.), is an antibiotic that belongs to the class of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The study below found:

  • serum testosterone were reduced significantly
  • downregulation of AR mRNA was seen

In short: The fluoroquinolone substance class is anti-androgenic. Usual story. It is increasingly clear that any anti-androgenic substance can cause what we (inadequately) call “PFS”.


They believe FQAD is due atleast partly to mitochondrial dysfunction, maybe this is something to look into with Propecia/Accutane as I believe all pharmaceuticals damage mitochondria etc. They did a hearing on FQAD in Europe last year and this article came of it as well.

Quinolone antibiotics accounted for almost 30 million antibiotic prescriptions in the United States in 2016 (see They are effective against a range of bacterial infections, and most people do not experience serious side effects. However, as noted in the EMA report, these drugs can impair mitochondrial function, trigger oxidative stress and result in epigenetic changes in tissues in up to 10% of cases.