New Pfs European article

New article on pfs…no mention of the pfs network research???


Is the Ryan in this article our own @LazarusRy ?

Dr’s still deny its harmful effects, I’ve had both a urologist and endocrinologist tell me this year that they don’t believe in PFS.

Even Dr Melcangi defends fin in the article. (spit!) Jim

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Yes that’s him…I find these articles all the same and have been for the last 10 years…same ol bullshit :roll_eyes: might be ok or might destroy your life.

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The two doctors I would most expect to have some exposure to PFS victims, and both are skeptical.

I searched through all urologists within 100 miles for one that treated both BPH and TRT, thought I’d found a good one. First visit, he says he doesn’t believe PFS is real. What a letdown. Jim

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Melcangi says something different everytime they interview him.


Yes that’s me. It could have been better but we don’t control what the Journalists print which can be completely different from what we say… Melcangi could have stepped up more too. Hopefully the Sky one will be much more hard hitting. Nonetheless one of our fellow sufferers put a lot of effort into this.


I wonder how many pfs patients actually go to their doctor and seek help. I can imagine plenty don’t, and would prefer to take the advice of internet posts suggesting that “herbs” could fix everything. You’d assume that if enough patients were being seen, then doctors would have to acknowledge it.


Agreed @Greek I continue to pursue and see Drs everywhere and have always promoted this course of action.

I saw a new Rheum clinician last week. She’d been in a meeting with the proff and others where my case and a few others were discussed (regarding rheumatoid patients only)

My pfs diagnosis was also discussed.
she told me ahead of seeing me she’d researched it and also said she’d spoke to a colleague from Manchester seperatley who confirmed seeing a few people come in to musco/skeletal reporting related issues from Finasteride.

Everyone should continue to see their Drs, even challenge and ask for referrals etc etc. Walking away after any rebuke is not the answer.

My current GP who also treated Paul Dixon is knocking on doors everywhere. Each professional she speaks to opens up another pair of eyes to this whether they believe it or not. This is because I continued to push my case at the surgery.

In the past 2 months alone I’ve seen 2 gastros, had a referral sent to an Immune and Allergy clinic,

The answer to this is not sitting in the herb cabinet.

Even if you do improve with time or from some protocol there always remains the risk of returning to pfs. There are many examples of this happening so getting a treatment is the safest route and raising awareness helps get us there. Seeing Drs and making noise is part of the process.


Pfs network needs to up the ante…Make some more noise and videos…The channel is dormant…You have all this stuff going on in UK in combination with the pfs network studies and not a word about them…

Come on mitch make a little commotion we need the pub and exposure right now…A lot of this stuff is being left in the dark…


Well said @holyhead

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This Melcangi guy is an idiot.

Him and Healy in PSSD are the biggest self centred morons in pssd.

Neither have a clue what they’re doing.

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