New member need help in finding some form of medication to get me through the worst of this

Did you have severe depression and if so, did those recommendations help for that?

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Anti-depressants can give you PFS too dude, they’re just as risky as finasteride. You’re risking a lot taking them so early on. 3 months isn’t a lot of in terms of time. Depression and suicidal thoughts are real side effects, most of us have had them, but over time (12+ months) they get better. You’re not going to die from lack of sleep, the user anonymous is living proof of that, and as long as you don’t try to kill yourself you’ll live to see your side effects improve.

I really suggest you get off all drugs and just wait, the first year was hell for me and a lot of other people here but most of us made it through.

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Re fundraising, we are working on substantial plans for fundraising efforts right now, and other projects towards that end too. Beyond that there is a major study ongoing that those of us involved in the scientific side of this condition are cautiously hopeful will be a watershed moment for this that we can build on. PLEASE hang in there, I know I can’t say anything that will make you feel better but I can promise you I know how precisely brave you are being. It’s also an awful, horrific ripple effect on everyone you love, I know, but it’s great to hear your mother is supporting you right now. Here is the link to the yellow card scheme to report what’s happened. Please do:

I also know the fear you mention. I would advise printing off the precis here of this study and highlighting the first and last sentences of the abstract. I found it useful in my interactions with doctors and psychiatrists.


It’s not that I’m depressed as a result of not being able to get it up or no libido or the thought I can’t work or anything like that. My brain actually feels numb and sometimes my senses aren’t functioning correctly, like having a tilted room or my brain thinking I’m falling backwards even though I’m sat on the couch. I don’t want to die but it’s extremely difficult to live with the symptoms I have now and the fact in many ways I’m getting worse as time goes by not better. The weird thing is is that the severe brain swelling and pressure that would hit most times I ate in the first three months is gone.

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Thank you for understanding. I’ve been treated with suspicion by almost every doctor I’ve seen so far when mentioning this is all because of finasteride.


I don’t know how severe your side effects are but it seems like your symptoms are a result of a lack of sleep if that’s why you’re taking mirtazepine. I had brain spasms every day for a few months when my insomnia was at its height. Your situation sounds worse but I don’t think you’re gonna die from it so I really suggest getting off mirtazepine and using another sleep drug like unisom or not using any at all.

Read my Body Temperature Needs To Be Colder When Sleeping Now topic because it helped me sleep better when I discovered the low body temperature

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Yes but probiotics helped mostly with brain fog, which is a big thing, you usually hit a plateau in a few weeks and then only need to take them once in a while. I went overboard and went two years without taking any probiotics so after I bought some last week I feel substantially better in terms of mood. Depression is the last of your concerns, you have to be real weak to kill yourself because of how sad you’re feeling knowing full well you’ll be fine in a few months, physical pain is much worse and that’s what you need to fix before you literally drop dead from pfs after months and years of 24 hour physical stress. Get your body in order and just try to accept the emotional pain until you are let out of prison again so to speak. You’re lucky you have this forum, results are quick because we already know some things that work and you don’t need to do trial and error as much, if this was the 2000s you’d be really screwed because all you’d have is your doctors who wouldn’t even believe fin caused anything besides temporary erectile problems. Who knows how many men already died from PFS from suicide or the breakdown of their bodies.

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Hey man, sorry your post yesterday was lost due to having to revert to a slightly earlier backup. Do repost if you have it or update if you need to get your feelings out, it’s very important to document, especially for those of us hit so bad by this. Just wanted to say hang in there again. What you’re going through (literal hell) cognitively will improve in clarity terms, and I’m not giving up on a fellow dark souls fan :smile:

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It’s summer so get lots of sun. Raise your body temperature during the day and keep your room cool when you sleep.

Feel so dead, it’s unimaginable how approximately 1mg of a drug that is essentially over the counter in the UK can do this to a person. It gets to where I’m scared to go to bed because I know I have to wake up and do the whole thing over again. Honestly, the way I feel now, I have no idea how some guys did this for years without giving in to suicide.

This guy had bad pfs:

and he said he recovered! Only problem is it took him seven years. His story gives me hope that all this is reversible but seven years is a very long time when you feel the way I do.


Low Dose Naltrexone is great for the depression and much safer than anti depressant drugs.


Things I have thought recently:

  • Envying US sufferers of pfs as they have access to shotguns which gives the highest chance of successful suicide to lowest amount of pain ratio.

  • Wishing I had cancer or AIDS rather than pfs. AIDS sufferers have treatment drugs and cancer, well you either get better or you eventually die. However, when you die, you do not leave your family with the shame and sadness that suicide would bring upon them. You can die with relative dignity and everyone will be sympathetic as they understand what cancer is.

  • Because of the previous point, when in a “better” mental state (i.e not thinking of suicide all day but sufficiently distracting myself, hour to hour to get through the day) I have considered if there is a way to give myself cancer. Sunbeds everyday until skin cancer?

It’s like when you watch a movie and you see a character get themselves in a position where they know they’re dead and can’t get out of it. I’m 99% sure this ends in suicide for me. I said to myself the last few weeks I owe it to myself to at least give it a year from the point when this began but I honestly don’t think I can make it that long. What a drug this is that it can kill you but keep you alive at the same time. Again, at least with cancer you actually die at the end of the suffering.

New symptom last few weeks are eye floaters. Don’t like to state a new symptom until it’s been a few weeks and these are definitely getting worse. Just float past my vision most of the day.

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Hey Tzinkman

I am very sad to read your post, and that you have been hurt so bad by so few pills. Your words and thoughts could have been mine when I came off finasteride over 11 years ago, and crashed horribly (was on the drug for about a month). All I could think of was ending it all, and how to do so. I was 100% sure I was not going to make it to my next birthday. But for similar reasons to yours I tried to keep on going, just trying to endure the hell and let it go over me, often in tears. Since then, my suicidal depression turned into some kind of depressed anhedonia. I can work and function in daily life, even though it’s not great as it used to be.

I am one of the founding members of the PFS Foundation, and have been an admin on this site for over 10 years. One of the things which keeps me going, is my hope and belief that there is a way out of this for us all. As said, my life was great before this happened, and I want it back. I will not give in to this nonsense until I die of a natural death, and still have a working brain. We, the admins and mods of this site, are working hard to find the path out of this maze, and so is the Foundation. Give us some time, and hang in there. I am confident there is some light appearing at the end of the tunnel. Also, never underestimate the healing powers of your body. Without doing anything, your body is likely to re-balance itself to a certain degree over time. Looking around on this site, you may find some suggestions that will help you, and our friendly and supportive community is there to help you as well.

Hang in there please, even though this may seem like an impossible request at the moment.


Great post, Awor!

There seems to be a lot of stuff going on in the background. Maybe it would be helpful to let people know how we can help with these efforts. Surely, with more resources we could do more. Donating to the Foundation is the obvious thing and I can only encourage everyone to do so. What else can we do?

Thanks again for all your efforts!

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I promise you’ll be able to help in the near future, and it won’t even cost a cent. Stay tuned. :slight_smile:


That sounds really good news :blush:

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Sounds like new studie(s) in the pipeline…


Shit is getting real.

Accutaner here. Know that we are in this together. Propecia, Accutane, SSRI. We are close. And there is background activity.

Don’t do anything daft. Keep going and let’s win this together, man.


Using this thread to document.

I’m experiencing a misery inhuman in its intensity. I feel so bad I feel like I’m going to PUKE. Nausea sits at the back of my throat when it’s at its worst.

Suicide isn’t a guaranteed way out, a lot of people fail when they attempt it and end up in worse pain than before. There’s no sure way to commit suicide.

It’s really not worth it to even try it.