New Member - Could use some advice

Well it looks like I am unfortunately part of the PFS group. I was on Propecia for roughly 3 years and recently have had some really weird issues that, after doing some research on this forum, look to be related to a systematic shut down. I had health concerns all of last fall and was getting to a point where I was having really bad anxiety, so I decided to stop Propecia at the beginning of March until I got everything figured out. I have had multiple MRIs, CTs Cans, and Bloodwork reports ran, but all of these were prior to the March 15th shutdown. I have almost all the symptoms mentioned in different forums and also, have already met my insurance deductible soI am willing to play guinea pig for all those to try and figure this mess out, once and for all.

Here is the really weird thing… my PSF started roughly around March 15th as I was preparing to have a biopsy of my tongue. Surprise, surprise the anesthesia delivered didn’t work that great, looks like those in the forum talking about GABA receptors being fried might be onto something. Additionally, I have a hard time getting “drunk”. I could drink multiple (9-10) beers and and not be close to intoxicated.

Here is a list of symptoms that have reached their peak on March 15th:

Brain Fog
Digestive Issues (bowel movements maybe once a day)
Loss of Muscle Mass
Dry Mouth and Inflamed Gums
Loss of Appetite
Emotion Detachment
Accelerated HeartRate
Muscle Tightness
Lower left sided back pain
Upper left sided back pain
Lower left sided abdominal pain
Loss of fat/tissue on left-side of face (really, really weird)
Stomach gurgling
Loss of motivation to do anything (am currently trying to finish my CFA designation, so been taking adderall to try and get any work done - doesn’t really work)
Random sweating during the day (especially bad at night)
Beard, back of neck, and back hair slow growing (only noticed this over the last few weeks)

Now, I have had two bloodwork labs completed in the last 2-3 weeks, one where I was off Propecia, 1 mg, for about 3 weeks and the second when I started back again (not realizing all this could be related to finasteride). I have provided the results below. Pretty sure I’m royally screwed but I did meet with a Urologist today, who is taking this somewhat serious and should be following up with him after I get some bloodwork done. I will also be completing a semen sample, to ensure I can still have kids :frowning:

One question I have for everyone suffering from this, especially those that have the persistent affects. What was your original hair situation? I’m talking about body hair as some of the thoeries have related to this being due to androgens and isn’t it true that the hairier you are, the more sensitive your receptors are? The only reason I ask is that I am a hairy guy, I am not sure there is a spot on my body that doesn’t have hair…at least for the time being.

March 22nd (Off Propecia for roughly 3 weeks)

Assay of Triiodothyronine T3 Free

FT3: 3.4
Range: 2.3-4.1

Metabolic Panel (only significant abnormality was Glucose)
Range: 65-99 Out of Range on Low Side Isn’t Glucose an insulin issue, and haven’t there been hypothesis about insulin issues after PFS?

Cortisol Total
Cort: 13.1
Range: 6.7-22.6

Creatine Kinase Total:
CK 309
Range: <171 Really High, not sure if there has been any connection proven

Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-SO4)

DHE-S 179
Range 85 to 690


E2: 29.0
Range: 7.6 - 42.6 Should there be any concern with my E2 being this high? I know some mentioned this was a really bad figure.

Free Test (Calc)
Testo: 585
Range: 350 - 781

SHBG: 28.5
Range: 10.0 - 77.0

Free Test Calc: 13.12
Range 4.60-22.40

Free Thyroxine (Free T4)
FRT4: 0.8
Range: 0.6 - 1.8

FSH, Follicle Stim Hormone
hFSH: 7.0
Range: 1.6 - 8.0

Glutamyltrase Gamma (GGT)
GGT: 16
Range: 7 - 64

Alc: 5.0
Range: 4.8-5.6

LIP: 18
Range: 22 to 51

CHOL 215
Range: 125 - 200

HDL: 59, was 63 on 2/15/17
LDL: 145, was 145 on 2/15/17

Luteinizing Hormone
hLH 7.4
Range 1.5 - 15.2

Prog: 0.7
Range: <1.4

PRL: 4.2
Range: 2.0 - 18

PSA, Total
PSA: 0.2

PTH, Intact
PTH: 20
Range: 12 to 88

Sedimentation Rate RBC Automated
ESR: 14
Range: 0 - 15

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
SHBG: 28.5
Range: 10.0 - 77.0

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
TSH: 0.565
Range: 0.4 - 4.50

Thyronxine Total
TotT4: 8.76
Range: not given

Total T3, Triiodothyronine (TT3)
TT3: 104
Range: 76 - 181

TRFN: 253
Range: 215 - 365

Vitamin B-12
B12: 455
Range 200 - 900

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy
VitdD: 29
Range 30 to 100
— this was lower than my 38, which looks to be on the low side, from a year ago

March 30th, back on Propecia not realizing this was the cause of everything

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
51.90 nmol/L - how do you convert nmol/L to pg/mL used in the previous testing?

Free Testosterone
11.51 ng/dL - down slightly from the 13.12 calculated on 3/22. Should this be a major red flag?

696.74 - up nearly 111 ng/dL from the 22nd, again not sure what this means?

To conclude, I met with a urologist today and had some more blood drawn. I will report back with those numbers later this week. As I mentioned earlier, what are your thoughts and where should we (I say we, because we are in this together and I am willing to take on task for everyone) go from here? I was thinking about calling Dr. Bieley and scheduling a consultation. I am ready to try and get this reversed as it is really hard to complete the job I currently have in this state of mind and I cannot lose this job.

For those of you that made it this far, thank you and I look forward to speaking/working with you.

PFS made me go bald and thin a lot of bodyhair. But I aged so there become more spots where I was hairy, which is supposed to happen with age. Only it stopped being healthy looking and became patchy and old-man looking. But I recently started getting a lot of chest hair “volume” back in the span of a few weeks because I’ve been exercising (more testosterone). … y_hair.JPG … HfLyhbf_YK