New Huberman video speaking some truth about PFS

Hopefully this is not a duplicate post. But Huberman acknowledges the seriousness of PFS in his recent podcast about hairloss to his 3+ million subscribers. Likes and comments go a long way on this one


Be good for us to leave comments to show how real this is given the subscription numbers


Please like and comment all finasteride critical comments. If the hairloss fanatics get pfs, it’s one thing, but all the poor boys going to be gaslighted by hims, keeps, myspring, romans have to be warned :warning:

And all the million elderly men whose lives could be destroyed by the dangerous drug, not even knowing what their death cases are, too.


Done :white_check_mark: on a seperate I was in a sauna today and got talking to 1 of the fellow bench sitters turns out he was a biochemist who once worked for Merck, well he was flabbergasted with my claims and defaulted to the regulatory authorities which really got me going. He was actually horrified and I believe had no idea these things have gone on. I hit him with viox and other facts. Needless to say he fucked off pretty sharpish. I was very my delivery. Another kid stated that he’d listened and was appalled and said he’s going to tell his family and friends. I went simply to detox lol. There isn’t a day goes by where I don’t tell someone about the dangers of fin… The news is spreading from every corner.


Awesome indeed. I just liked every single comment bringing up the severity of our condition. Let’s all do this…


55.000 MERCK deaths by Vioxx! Thank you @LazarusRy to talk about this forgotten and publicly hushed up pharma century scandal!


David Graham, associate director for science in the FDA Office of Drug Safety, who’s ethical principles after all saved the world against Mercks 55.000 death cases drug Vioxx.

The N°1 of MSD death by Merck Medication Competition. Nobody knows about it!

55.000 Vioxx deaths, estimated by David Graham, associate director for science in the FDA Office of Drug Safety, testified that Merck should have withdrawn the medication from the market years before!

Graham testified, based on data from studies conducted by Merck, that between 88,000 and 139,000 U.S. residents have experienced heart attacks or strokes as a result of Vioxx. He added that as many as 40% of those patients, or about 55,000, died as a result of Vioxx.

The response of Steven Galson, acting director of the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, at the hearing criticized the study as “irresponsible” and “junk science.”



Translation: deepl

Pharmaceutical multinationals corrupt healthcare systems and hide the fact that drugs are the third leading cause of death in the world, after cardiovascular diseases and cancer, according to Peter Gøtzsche from Denmark, who today presented the book Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado (Drugs that kill and organized crime).

Gøtzsche, professor of medicine and clinical pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen and director and professor at the Nordic Cochrane Center, compared pharmaceutical companies with organized crime because, in his opinion, capitalism and health are a bad match.

“They do not work to improve health, but to obtain maximum profits” and to do so “they extort, commit fraud, violate legislation and lie,” he denounced.
The book, published by Los Libros del Lince, puts the number of deaths caused by drugs in the USA at 200,000 per year and, according to pharmacologist Joan RamĂłn Laporte, who introduces the Spanish edition, in Europe at least 197,000 people die annually from this cause.

Gøtzsche is known for criticizing systematic mammograms after the age of 40 because, in his opinion, they generate more harm than good, since he claims that two out of every three breast cancers detected are false and lead women to chemotherapy and treatments with significant adverse effects.

The Danish expert has been particularly critical of antipsychotics and antidepressants, which he said “should be banned in adolescents and young people”.
The author and Laporte, who also participated in the presentation, pointed out that antidepressants are not effective against depression, “but increase the suicide rate by 2 to 4.5% per year”. In addition, Gøtzsche recalled that fluoxetine was first approved in Sweden with bribes and the German regulatory agency considered it totally inadequate against depression.

The experts have denounced that companies such as Pfizer, Glaxo or Lilly, in psychiatry, and other companies, have sold fluoxetine and antidepressants hiding the fact that they increase the suicide rate instead of reducing it, just as Merck did not say that its anti-inflammatory Vioxx produced heart attacks before having to withdraw it from the market.

For Laporte, who has put the number of people who die each year in Catalonia as a result of antidepressants at 200, the problem is that 95% are not prescribed by a psychiatrist, but by a general practitioner to people who are not depressed, but sad.

Experts have been very critical of the invention of new diseases to sell treatments, such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which appeared after complaints from teachers of children who do not pay attention in class.

In the USA, 11% of school children are diagnosed with ADHD, the drugs they take act like amphetamine and cocaine and only improve their behavior in class, but not their school performance.

In addition, these drugs, according to animal studies cited by these experts, produce brain lesions. They also warned against polymedication and cited the example of Denmark, a country with a population of 5.5 million inhabitants where eight million doses are taken daily and one out of every eight people takes five or more drugs a day.

When a doctor issues a prescription, patients should ask the doctor, as the two experts agreed, what it is for, what benefits are expected, how long they have to take it, whether they can wait to see if there is a spontaneous improvement and whether it is compatible with other drugs.

It is also necessary to fight for the continuing education of physicians to be independent and not financed by the laboratories, as is the case in Spain, where 95% depend on the industry.
The pharmaceutical industry is the third largest sector of the economy, after armaments and drug trafficking, and in the USA it has profits four times higher than other industrial sectors, in addition to being the sector that accumulates the most crimes for defrauding the government.

Executives in this sector earn “obscene” salaries and in 2010 four of the ten highest paid executives in the U.S. worked in the pharmaceutical sector, with salaries of up to 145 million dollars a year.

Another achievement of this industry is to be the main actor in its own regulation, to the point that the regulatory agencies are servants of the industry, as the two experts denounced.
denounced by the two experts.


Interesting, following my investigations, every criticism against pharma leads automaticly to a personal defamation campaign. Sometimes through very popular media and sometimes through special fact checkers. Their ethical principles should force them protect the 55.000 Vioxx cases and pharma victims, not to call them and their human right lawyers conspiracy theorists. Peter Gøtzsche and fact based medicine they outed “pharma cartel conform” as clueless clowns.


Fucking hell @Huehueh96 this says it all. Unbelievable and scary.


Heinrich Hoffmann a psychiatrist from the 19 century tried to help youngsters with nice tales not with chemical treatment wrote the tales of the Fidgety Philip and others to show children what’s the outcome of bad behavior.


From beginning of pre humanoid lemurs some kids are nice, some kids are hyperactiv.

Million years manhood could survive without stigmatize children as mental ill ADHD patients and need no treatment of them with Ritalin and other pharma pills.

Later the Fidgety Philip was defined as the archetype of an ADHD child and psychiatrists and chemical factories :factory: had a new field for chemical treatment of children with Methylphenidate.

The list of adverse effects is endless!


There’s no accountability, and critics who bring these facts to the surface are labelled as if they’re some sort of luddite.

That seems to be one of the angles behind a certain lunatic who has made about 5 videos "debunking’ PFS on youtube now…


The one who is debunking pfs in 5 videos remembers me much more on an Iggy and the stooges dvd cover: “Escaped maniacs” and the self-presentation of the advertised “philantrophic” teflon company at an old PUNK song “Angels with dirty faces”

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