new guy please help me

any further update?

I’m back after a long time away. Any recovery I felt I had was brief and I am still in the same boat. Finally lost my girlfriend of 2 years to this damn side effect. I have made some discoveries though sine my last posting on here. Last may I suffered an injury that required prescription narcotic opiate pain medication. While ON the medication my sexual dysfunction got worse but when I withdrawaled from it I was for one day able to once again FEEL, ENJOY, and ENGAGE in GREAT sex. I had sex with my girlfriend 10 times in one day like normal, was able to feel the sensation that I havent ever since finasteride robbed me of it. I was able to maintain an erection, have sex, and ejaculate from sexual intercourse. But this only lasted while I was in horrible physical pain medication withdrawal. Now I am back to square one, same old fin side effects and its been almost 2-3 years since I last touched the stuff. The reason I decided to come back is because yesterday my GF left me for good after admitting that she had cheated on me out of sexual frustration. I logged onto this website and was excited as hell to see all the new publicity that this is gaining in the media and then today I turned the TV on, was watching ID channel and saw a commercial for a lawyers office taking propecia sexual dysfunction cases! i was SHOCKED! what amazing timing! right when I start having to dwell on this again that commercial popped up. Maybe there is hope for us all. keep hanging on