NEW Fin might affect Hippocampus!

New December 2010… dunno if any1 put this up yet.



5-alpha-reductase is involved as a rate-imitating enzyme in the metabolism of steroids. Several 5-alpha-reduced steroids such as dihydrotestosterone, allopregnanolone or tetrahydrocorticosterone have neurotrophic, neuroprotective, and anxiolytic properties. Reduced 5-alpha-reductase activity has been observed during depressive illness in humans. Finasteride inhibits 5-alpha-reductase and can robustly induce anxious and depressive behaviors in rodents. In humans finasteride treatment has been linked to an increase of depressive symptoms. A recent study reported that finasteride treatment inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis in mice. As hippocampal neurogenesis has been linked to emotional behavior, this could be of possible relevance for the pathophysiology of affective disorders. Further studies are needed to evaluate potential neuropsychiatric side effects of finasteride treatment in humans.



Wikipedia quotes under neurogenisis:

“Neurogenesis (birth of neurons) is the process by which neurons are generated”

"New neurons are continually born throughout adulthood in predominantly two regions of the brain:

* The subventricular zone (SVZ) lining the lateral ventricles, where the new cells migrate to the olfactory bulb via the rostral migratory stream
* The subgranular zone (SGZ), part of the dentate gyrus of hippocampus."

“there is some evidence that hippocampal adult neurogenesis is important for learning and memory.”
(explains cognition problems some of us have)

“Studies have linked neurogenesis to the beneficial actions of specific antidepressants, suggesting a connection between decreased hippocampal neurogenesis and depression”

“some studies have shown that use of cannabis results in the growth of new nerve cells in the hippocampus from both embryonic and adult stem cells.”

I can honestly say that in my personal experience, this posting rings 110% true. Without. My daily dose of dmae I’m as forgetful as a 90 year old and as punch drunk as the gret Ali…I quit fin today but have been taking tribulis, dmae, omega, bvits and phosphotidylserine for the past few days to nourish my system. I have ordered some sameto fight any further depression.
Once my head is hopefully better I will be experimenting with green tea extract and saw palmetto as they have potential 5ar inhibiting effects. Simply by dropping my dose my cognition and mood has improved slightly. Do try the vits I mentioned especially dmae, cdp choline and alpha gpc-all great for focus and memory, best taken with b vits, especially b 5. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that alzheimers affects…and all my cognition problems mirror that of an Az sufferer. No history of Az in my family and I’m physically a fit bodied 37 year old who doesn’t look a day over 30(so they say). Let’s hope my 90 year old brain retires and my youthful mind comes back…
Good luck guys, please feel free to ask me any questions on improving your cognition…and ps I’m a part time film and tv actor…lo. Thank God for vitamins:-)

Why do you want to continue to inhibit 5AR after experiencing the issues you did on Finasteride? As mentioned elsewhere, you will not find support from most on this forum if this is your goal.


@ Mew…I was hoping that “going herbal” might have less of a collateral damage effect on other neurotransmitters. I guess saw palmetto/ green tea extract might not be an alternative if its the same path downhill, only paved in an eco-friendly way…

Anything which inhibits 5AR to a significant degree, whether man made or pharmaceutical, likely has the potential to cause problems, if one is susceptible to the effects of 5AR inhibition. My advice is that it’s better to be safe than sorry… however, it’s your health.

I have been off Fin for two days now…Only had a bit of lightheadedness. Had a morning erection today… brain is a little clearer, but then again I am on 100mg Phosphatidylserine and DMAE twice a day along with 500mg tribulis twice daily. Mood has improved a little…
Hair transplants arent that painful, maybe a little pricey but a good alternative I think.

This is not the place to discuss hair transplants. If you want to document your story coming off fin continue posting it on your thread so it can be followed in one place - as long as the admins allow. Most of us have been fighting persistent side effects LONG AFTER STOPPING FINASTERIDE and do not care about alternative hair loss theories.

Cannabis helps grow new cells, yet it is still illegal.

I am glad that I partook in daily cannabis use while I was on Finasteride!

The writer isn’t discussing hair translates here - he just makes a point. Some of you guys are really too sensitive to the words “hair transplant.” We all know this isn’t the place to discuss it, but some of us are interested in alternatives as it relates to going off Propecia. Don’t be so uptight.

I do note that the original poster’s comment wasn’t exactly promoting hair loss treatment discussion. However, in general if people are interested in hair loss treatment alternatives related to going off Propecia, there are dedicated hair loss websites where they can discuss such things. This is not a forum for discussion of hair loss treatments, as it is focused on persistent Finasteride side effects.

As for being uptight, the argument could also be made that if a person is still concerned about hair loss after experiencing persistent Finasteride side effects, perhaps their priorities are out of line, or they are not suffering to the same extent as others. Many will argue that if someone were truly suffering from PFS, petty hair loss concerns should be the last thing on their mind as that’s what got them in this mess in the first place.

If you want to discuss wigs, hair transplants, regaine etc then you are on the wrong forum matey.

This forum is for men with PERSISTENT sexual, mental & physical side effects which CONTINUE DESPITE QUITTING Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar), a 5AR inhibitor drug for hair loss, prostate enlargement & prostate cancer.

Id trade every hair on my head to get back my mind and body. Truly a rediculous trade off

Agreed. However, we all knew the potential for sexual side effects when we began taking this drug, correct?

In my case, I was willing to accept that risk, at least test it a little. Since I had no sexual side effects ( and still don’t), I figured I was ok with the drug, but completely overlooked the association with brain fog and anxiety.

Is this a joke? No, we didn’t. Up until very recently, the labeling on the drug insert stated all side effects would resolve upon discontinuation, therefore many felt they had nothing to lose by trying it out. As we all found out, persistent ED and other issues have continued despite stopping the medication.

Further, they only recently added “depression” as a possible side effect. They did not warn about this in 2003 when you used the info that was provided by the FDA/drug manufacturer at that time, to make your decision to take it. Now you too have found out the hard way that some cognitive side effects can persistent despite discontinuation, as there was no mention of 5AR-neurosteroid inhibition on the drug label insert.

No, I don’t find anything funny about this.

Clearly I’m not as informed on the topic as you, but I thought I remembered knowing about possible ED issues when I started taking the drug. If it wasn’t on the label, perhaps I read it elsewhere. I don’t recall, but I know it was a consideration before I started taking it.

Look up the various lawsuits to understand the issue. The label listed ED, loss of libido, ejaculation disorders etc as possible side effects, and it was stated side effects would resolve upon discontinuation. They didn’t for a certain percentage of men. That’s the problem.


i took this drug for 80 days starting in NOVEMBER 2010, and at that time, the Doctor told me all sides were reversible in the “rare” event i had issues, the devil Merck said the exact same thing, and even went as far as saying you could keep taking it if you have side effects and the chicken shit FDA confirmed what Merck said … so NO, there was no mention this could be irreversible, whatsoever, or i never would have touched the fucking stuff

It is probable once causation is shown, as hopefully it should be in the next few months. That either Merck or the FDA itself will just yank the stuff from the market. They may even go as far to yank durasteride from market as well.

You can always take other, safer drugs for BPH anyway.

I was told that around 2% of patients AT MOST get sexual side effects and those would resolve after discontinuing the drug. With the current label of potentially permanent effects I would not have touched that crap. I was reluctant to take that crap at all, but a 2% chance of getting those side effects with the assurance that they would go away won me over.