New breakthrough....

Tumeric hasn’t helped much at all, except with slightly improved morning erections and a slightly increased feeling of well-being 20-30 minutes after consumption.

I have ordered 1kg tumeric organic ground powder so i can try this

The likely explanation of the positive effect that you experienced is: turmeric stimulates liver phase II detoxification which is necessary for hormonal balance. On the other hand it is also a cytochrome p450 inhibitor, which is an enzyme necessary for both the production of neurosteroid and liver phase I. It is also a mild 5ar inhibitor.

In short: in small amounts it will be beneficial for you but in large amounts it will most likely cause you a crash.

The information above is explained with more detail in mario vitali’s posts in

Glad that you got some benefits out of it, but I would be careful.

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Non sense, the herb is also a aromatase inhbitor.

Its one of the most well studied herbs for its epigenetic effects

And maybe thr liver health could also have an impact.

Epigenetic alterations correspond to changes in DNA methylation, covalent modifications of histones, or altered miRNA expression patterns. These three mechanisms are interconnected and appear to be key players in tumor progression and failure of conventional chemotherapy. Dietary components emerged as a promising source of new epigenetically active compounds able to reverse these alterations and to actively regulate gene expression as well as molecular targets implicated in tumorigenesis. The polyphenolic compound curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a yellow spice that enters into the composition of curry, already described for its diverse and broad biological activities, is nowadays well described as an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferase so that it is considered as a DNA hypomethylating agent. It reestablishes the balance between histone acetyl transferase and histone deacetylase (HDAC 1, 3, 4, 5, 8) activity to selectively activate or inactivate the expression of genes implicated in cancer death and progression, respectively. Finally curcumin modulates miRNAs (miR-15a, miR-16, miR-21, miR-22, miR-26, miR-101, miR-146, miR-200, miR-203, and let-7) and their multiple target genes. In conclusion, this dietary compound is able to restore the epigenetic regulation balance and appears as an attractive preventive and/or therapeutic approach against human cancer.

Maybe the benefits you are getting are related to this…

I stepped into this forum after a hiatus and I find the same negative approach to discussion by people with low communication skills.

Many p450 inhibitors are also aromatase inhibitors, but it doesn’t mean that they are good for PFS, if aromatase was the main factor, go and try arimidex, good luck with it.

It’s depressing that instead of a genuine interest in posts with scientific and data driven approach to treat PFS we still get replies of this kind. And after years of discussion we still hear the same broken record: aromatase, increase DHT, cdnuts, etc.


It wasnt meant to be offensive, i dont think it sounds offensive!

No one talked about cdnuts or taking AIs lol no one said aromatase was the main factor! I think i also gave a pretty scientific option to why i think the herb worked. I even agreed with liver health part. And what scientific data driven approach are you talking about?!

I also took a hiatus from this forum and came back to this non-sense of foods being inhibitors of 5alpha reductase. Its not a good enough reason to avoid this herb, what matters in the end is the net effect. And the net effect is quite explicit in OPs post!! Hes cured and we are coming back here!
Must be my low communication skills which maybe made me miss something in his story wjen he explicitely said he was CURED…

Can we go back to th original topic, CONTRIBUTE and actually let people TRY something thsat cured someone?

I tried this for 3 days now, nothing to report yet

Last time i checked there was no “” and no

Curcumin is the most studied natural herb on the planet with profound epigenetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

To scare someone away because its a “5ar inhibitor” (literally every food is in vitro lol) is nonsense.

Anyway back to the TOPIC i found a guy that cured his PSSD with curcumin.

Looks like his protocol was

-2000mg curcumin
-500mg oregon grape root
-fish oil

So 6000mg curcumin a day ! to get that amount from turmeric you would need 20tbsp or more ! So its seems that turmeric has some benefits outside of curcumin that youbet got since he was only getting about 500mg curcumin !

I have ordered turmeric and i will be ordering curcumin to give both methods a try !

Started this protocal today, with the addition of black pepper and oil for greater bioavailability.

Also on a juice fast.

Will update in a week

I had to stop this for today day because i was taking another compound which gave me big problems (ribose)

Ill get back on this in 2 days. I saw a lot of reductiom in inflammation.

Im taking turmeric cooked in coconut oil, water and black pepper.


Could you please tell us how long it took to start noticing improvements, when these improvements peaked and your total time on turmeric.


xptriado, it doesn’t give you insomnia? It did for me when I tried it 6 months ago. But since then I did a 10 day fast and my sleep is better, so I might give it another try.

My sleep is so bad already but it hasny made it worse.
I dont takr it at night

SO it seems this has cured youbet possibly through turmerics epigenetic effects.

Why isnt anyone else trying it?

Ive had to postpone my attempt due to seeing a gastro this week. But i will be attempting this. I will be doing 6 grams of C3 curcumin along with black pepper and turmeric.;

I’ve tried it and have had significantly positive results (sustained for the past 4 weeks). Still not perfect, but clearly much better than before.

I have the same question as you … eiither people don’t want to try this, or they just don’t want to get in this conversation!

are you sure its from the curcumin? arent you taking sorghum too?

Yes, exactly. There’s no way I can pinpoint the exact reason of my feeling better. Go figure! At some point, I was convinced that multivitamin was what was working best for me (when I stopped, it seem to have a negative impact).

All I can say, is that I had a very bad 6 months (from august 2015 to february 2016 approximately). I tried a bunch of things since february, and my condition improved significantly. It’s only since I started eating sorghum with turmeric that I notived changes, and I have been good since then (4 weeks). Not perfect, but good enough to be hopeful (let’s say 60%, coming from 20%).

But all of this began a few weeks after a 3-day fast. Did it have an impact? Possibly. I also take the following supplements:

  • 6000 IU vitamin D
  • Probiotics (just for the last week or so)
  • L-Arginine, pycnogenol alternatively, but just to finish them up. I won’t be renewing.
    (at this point, I’m not even taking a multivitamin)

All this to say that my gut feeling makes me believe that turmeric and sorghum were the turning point, but who knows !

Maybe it’s just time, maybe it’s just that my mood is better, and maybe it’s just a coincidence and I will fall back shortly (let’s hope not) !! In the meantime, I’m trying to enjoy it and be hopeful while it lasts.

How are you doing with the tumeric these days??

I’m all out ! Did not have any for at least a week. I’ve read about the DHT blocking thing and it’s pretty well documented. It kind of got to me and I don’t think I will be starting turmeric anytime soon. I will stay on sorghum though. I love the idea that Africans have been feeding on it for centuries … that can’t be bad! I have started it up again and will be doing so as before (twice a day).

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