NEW ANTI-DEPRESSANT (as of Feb 2013)

New Anti-Depressant just hit the market; Viibryd (vilazodone HCI).

I just came home with a sample from my sex doc who said this one will NOT impact sex function, and that his other PFS patients are reporting good results. Only side mentioned was potential nausea. Recommended dose at 10mg. (Range 10-40).

Made by Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Subsidiary of Forest Laboratories, Inc. St. Louis, MO 63045.
The text just below this data, on the medication guide from the sample (alarming and ironic)…
“Licensed from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany”
So it appears the very company (Merck) who ruined my body and life, is now paying a licensing fee to another drug company in order to market/sell a new drug which may improve the symptoms caused by Merck in the first place. :open_mouth:

I’ll be discussing this with my psych doc on Friday. Has me on Remeron (Mirtazapine) and I still have some really low days and leaking eyes at times. Rarely ever upbeat, rarely laugh or smile. The complete opposite of my former self. Will post updates once I give Viibryd a tryout.

Interesting, thanks for posting!

I certainly get a melancholy type mood from Remeron. Although many people say they get that from Propecia as well.

Keep us up to date if you try the newer drug.


US based Merck & Co. is no way affiliated with German based Merck KGaA. To avoid confusion, Merck & Co. is called Merck Sharpe Dohme (MSD) in Europe and Merck KGaA is called EMD in the US and Canada.

Yes, please keep us updated. I am slightly skeptical, however, as a lot of internet users report sexual side effects. I just really don’t think an SSRI is going to help in our particular situation.

What is interesting though is that someone posted that they had persistent side effects from taking Effexor, and this took them away while only having minimal side effects on its own.
