Netflix Documentary on PFS - Important

Guys we have approached a documentary film maker producing a series of films on deadly Pharma drugs.

We have put forward PFS however the guy wants people here to message him with their stories and info on PFS ASAP.

He will then decide if it’s enough to make the film.

If you don’t he will do a film on Accutane instead.

This documentary will be used to generate huge funding for PFS research!!!

This is the trailer for the documentary

Message Legal Death or leave a comment underneath Ryan’s post - you can also use Facebook messenger it’s private.


Is this the same tim guy that is mentioned in the other post?

Sure I’ll reach out but I think it would be interesting if we can show them how Pfs is related to ssri and accutane possibly.

Would give him more incentives to make an interesting documentary.

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Yes, it’s the same director.

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Admins - the FB group Legal Death has a file section for PDF’s on different drugs. If you have anything on PFS please contact the group so it can be added. They have nearly 6000 members.

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Thank you Ryan. Just joined the group as well.

/how can i message him i dont have fb? also this is huge and should let awor know about it . could be a huge breakthrough in a cry for help!

i messaged him, he says he is putting FIN in his film too but also he was looking for some1 in LA to interview… im in LA but im not sure i am ready to publicly announce it before a camera(dont judge me i might sound like an asshole but im not ready to speak before a camera explaining all the shit happened to me so i told him ill think about it and will let him know) just saying if some one is in LA and ready to speak in front of camera he is looking for som1 atm


Be anonymous or write up your story for someone to stand in and be you. LA is full of wanna be actors someone would happily stand in and be you for a chance to be in a film. Just ask him if he knows an amateur actors who could play you.
Or just go to a restaurant in LA with attractive service staff they will probably all be actors looking for a break.

Merck beat your ass with a stick, it’s time to pick up that stick and throw it back at them. They are a bunch of heartless sociopaths who have exchanged emails in the past ridiculing victims of their awful drugs. They want us to stay silent so they can control the narrative. It’s our time to break out of the Matrix :grinning:


thats a smart move but 1% there is chance that afterward merck want to expose the guy, i mean its unlikely but there is a chance besides that he might not agree on interviewing som1 “fake”, but ill consider it to discuss with him if no ones step up

Please consider it. If he wants me to fly out to LA I’ll do it. In the end nobody is going to judge you it’s quite the contrary. Think of all men you’ll save from having to endure the same pain.


He’s not a fake he’s a stand in which can be announced. Documentaries have stand in actors. I also doubt Merck are going to highlight an Actor played you it would be giving the doc extra publicity for a start. Don’t over think it anything and everything is possible. Talk your concerns over with the professional and let him draw up the options. Let’s not cut off our own legs before the race has started, we will be doing Merck’s job for them.

i know a pfser in longbeach, just emailed him if he is cool ill hook him up with the director if not ill bring up the actor idea

He will probably want the dude with the worst symptoms who ever that is. Just let me know which Hollywood A lister looks like you and I’ll make it happen :grinning:

so u saying u know som1 here in LA to introduce as actor ?
edit: or it was a joke i didnt get it at first :smiley: :):smile:

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