Neo40 may help those of us with low nitric oxide levels

I thought this may be of interest to share. A university doctor created a lozenge that creates nitric oxide gas when dissolved on the tounge. For those of you that don’t know, Nitric Oxide is considered a super molecule that helps maintain erectile health, heart health and sleep.

This doctor states that if your body is low in nitric oxide then it may not be be able produce nitric oxide properly and that supplementing with things like L-Arginie will have no effect because its not able to convert. The University of Houston has a patent on this technology and thier has been a medical study on this supplement showing positive results in increased nitrite levels. The study used a third party lab ( labCorp ) to do the blood work.

The doctor also created a saliva test strip that measures the amount of nitric oxide gas in saliva.
I am very spectacle of supplements. Nothing I have tried has made any difference, but this product seems to have some merit and scientific proof so I wanted to share the info.