Nelt's Story 6 years still up and down

Hey man,
Checking in to see how you’re doing?

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Hey man,
Checking in to see how you’re doing?
I was doing great until I got sick a couple months ago and now have been up and down.

your muscle loss stopped? in this six years did you fell pain body, muscle pain?

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Hi Henrique,
I don’t remember er having pain, but did lose about 15 lbs of muscle,

but ended up regaining it back. I take opti T booster, Berberine, nettle root, zinc, vitamin d, multi vit and pro biopics. This combinations (with working out 5 days a week with weight and HIT) helps with my energy, muscle and overall mental/physical health.
Are you getting muscle pain?

I’ve had been taking L- Argentine and citrulline (9 months) which worked great for awhile but now seems to not be working. Has anyone else had similar experiences? My ED has gotten worse within last couple/few months, which is weird.
Also, for those that have taken cosmos and viagra does it continue to work over do you see it being less efffectiive over time?

How’s your pain level and body been feel?
Better, same, worse?

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I’m feeling better, but it fluctuates. What probiotic you use?

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Good to hear. I’ seem to have gotten worse over last few months. Largenine and citruline was working well then lost its effectiveness…which is weird. Optional Flora plus probiotic.

I’m curious if anyone has gotten worse or had a bad experience with using viagra? I’m considering using it.

I’ve used it last year and think it has caused my vision to go slightly blurry since then. In the hours after taking it, it can also cause headaches and bloodshot eyes, but these should go away quickly. I’d recommend speaking to your doctor before taking it

Thank you. I’m trying to continue to use natural products and not go to hard meds just yet.

Been 8.5 years with many peaks and valleys.
Have trouble getting and maintaining erections, watermelon juice, Largenine and L Citrulline day of helps but currently in a valley.
I feel a lot of guys are looking for hope, which I still have. My hope rests in Jesus, that he will either heal me or continue to get me thru this as He has done up to this point. A relationship with him fills the void in life every person is trying to fill typically with worldly things like success, money, relationships, love, etc…. Once you have a relationship with Him you can get thru anything knowing this world is temporary and your true treasure is in heaven.
He gives me a peace beyond understanding,
Just thought I would share what’s getting me thru.

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Update…erections have been strong the last 6 weeks of intimacy with wife with NO pills. I have been intermittent fasting and cold plunging which
I think is having a positive impact.

Bro what is your secret to overcoming anxiety

Hey man - Strengthening my spiritual life by reading my Bible and having a personal relationship with Jesus. He gives a peace that is beyond understanding, which is the most impactful.
From the working out, physical side intermittent fasting, cold plunging and deep breathing have been good for my body. I stopped Propecia 8.5 yrs ago and that’s when my problems started. How about you?

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Hey man, sorry I don’t think I responded to your message the correctly so you probably didn’t receive. I keep things anyway by staying in my Bible and close Jesus, having a personal relationship with him, gives a peace be understanding. From the physical side, lifting weights, intermittent fasting, and Cold Plunge Inc. has made a great impact. How are you doing?

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Thanks friend, I’m ok, have bad days, have normal days, I’ve been off Propecia for over a month and it’s been a roller coaster at the moment, it’s been a crazy ride

Been a year since I got off Propecia. Lots of peaks and valleys. Currently things are good. Never give up hope and don’t get too low in the rough times.

Been 8 years not a year

Update - After intense, consistent prayer, the Lord put on my heart to start intermittent fasting.
Wow! What a difference!
It’s been almost 4 months I am able to have erections and intercourse couple times a week with my wife using NO supplements. I do drink a little watermelon juice 15/20 min prior but the fasting has made a HUGE difference. I only eat relatively healthy food between 10:30am - 7pm, giving my body time to cleanse and repair itself. I recommend trying it! Hoping this continues for decades to come! Praise Jesus!