Needacure update

Congrats man! Really pleased for you.

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After 12 years of my first blood T tests, hit by sides using SP and accutane , it is the first time my Total T came close to 500 (initially it was well below the normal range) and after almost 2 years of clomid settled down at low 300’s for years. I have avoided TRT during that time. Baby was my excuse.

I did not do anything special. Actually I put on 5 kg’s in the past year as baby care does not leave any room for exercise or anything else. I changed jobs and working in a more humane, relaxed environment. I stopped thinking about the condition since the bab came out, not stressing out on it, visiting this site every couple of months very shortly and generally became a happier person. Adopted stoicism, tried to cure my anxiety and stress.

It feel like I have more control down there, popping up occassional 5mg cialis.

Wanted to note down for others in a similar situation.