Need some advices

Hi guys,
I am not doing well this days, most emotionally. First of all, waking up every day with realizing I lose my libido in early 20s is so bad, I just don’t want to wake up to accept this reality, and there is no sign of recovery in this part, if this symptom is really life long, I really don’t know if I can hang on.
Secondly, I lose my morning wood for many days again, nocturnal erection also less strengthful, even I am on daily ciailis, maybe it is because I haven’t take AI for a long time and my E is high, it really effect negatively on my self-esteem.
Last but not the least, one of my lover want me so much and we probably gonna meet this July, I haven’t have sex after my crash and don’t know if I can perform, I really want sex even with no libido but I just don’t want to self-humilating, and don’t want to leave alone for the rest of my life, maybe Viarga will work but if you are not enjoying, the girl will know…it really make me extremely anxiety now.
Oh, and I am on a road trip, but I just can’t feel happy right now…
So Sorry about all the negatives.

It’s natural to have these negative thoughts, but from what you’ve written, you’ve put a lot of positive effort into healing from this and you’re on the right track. A few days without a nocturnal erection isn’t the end of the world. If you were just recently achieving nocturnal erections, that means that a lot of stuff is still functional, physically, even if it’s dormant for the time being. Try to get some rest and take your mind off of it for a few days.

Obsessing over it won’t help anything in the short term. I know it’s easier said than done. I am prone to obsess over things too. But negative thought loops never help.

Thanks for your support! Hope that my recovery will come soon.

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I’m sorry to hear your going throught this.

It’s tough. We all know, unfortunately.

maybe it is because I haven’t take AI for a long time and my E is high

Don’t mess with AI man, be very careful.

Hi,I know some of our members get worse by AI,but when I was taking AI,it made me nausea and sleepy,but do improve my erection quality and semen quality than right now,so I am wondering if I am gonna take it again.

Were your E high before taking AI?

No,but after I stopped taking AI,since I am still on clomid,My E is a little bit higher than normal range.

Why would you take AI in the first place then?

It is a part of my hrt

Did you take LC/MS E2 test? Often called “sensitive” or something along those lines.

As a male, you need this test method to assess E2. With normal testing, which is initially made for women, other estrogens can show on the results and make it skewed.

E2 is the strongest of all the estrogens, so if you take a normal test you might show high or normal. But in reality you have low E2. In this case adding in an AI is really bad.

all my blood work showed E2,it is high for the last time

Yes that’s not what I’m asking.

Did the lab run this testing method.–mass_spectrometry

Or standard Immunoassay?

The Immunoassay only works on women because it’s not accurate if your levels are <200 pmol/L.

of course it is LC-MS

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Great, your Doctor’s seems very good so I thought so. Keep us updated on your journey, I think you’re one of us that is in the best care so it will be interesting.

I already hold China very high, and your story just add to my admiration of your country.

Thanks for your support,but to be honestly I feel a little down recently, because when I started HRT I improved a lot in April, but right now no noticeable improvement for more than a month…My doctor is very nice and care about his patient, but he is not god, he is also treating a disease he never faced before, right now I am really doubting if I can overcome this tragedy…

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But you haven’t gone back to baseline, have you?

I crashed hard at Feb and March, It is the most terrible experience ever, if that is the baseline, I do never back to that bad.

If you startd HRT that early it would be very to tell whether you got beter because of hormones or some sort of natural rebalance.