Need Help with Goldstein Protocol

Guys I need your help desperately. I am a patient of Dr. Goldstein but I have not seen him in over and year and he cannot treat me unless I go to his office. I live in Toronto and he is in San Diego. This condition makes it hard for me to function and as a result, my finances are in shambles.

I am about to start his protocol of VERY LOW dose of dopamine promoting medicines. My understanding is that he is prescribing Wellbutrin, Buspar, Ropinirole, Cabergoline, and Naltrexone. I have ordered the goods and shipment is en route. I just don’t know what dosage I should be taking of each. I understand it is supposed to be a low daily dose but I don’t know how much. Do you know anything about the dosage? Any sort of help would be appreciated… I’m at my wit’s end and I get these recurring thoughts os suicide. I need to boost my dopamine levels!

RecentQuitter was on this protocol in his last post. He has not posted since, and is not answering private messages. Maybe he feels a lot better? Maybe he is cured? Does anyone talk to him? Any help would be appreciated guys!

just leaving here my experience with ropinirole like i told you by PM.

0.25mg in the morning removed fatigue, gave me a pretty good day, raised a little temperature it seems too.

didn’t work everyday because I have chronic insomnia. in the days i slept better, it eliminated the remaining fatigue, gave me more penile sensitivity, gave me more motivation, felt more like my old self. i didn’t try this for long, i just started experimenting with it actually and after 10 days i’m taking a break to try other meds to beat my insomnia first which can be the reason why i have benefited from ropinirole (desensitized dopamine receptors due to chronic lack of sleep)

i’m happy i found something which works movign in the right direction i feel. it killed my depression with half a pill literally. this is one of the mechanism behind my depression and anxiety

Thanks xptriado. My mental symptoms pretty much dissipate with dopamine agonist drugs. I learned this about two months ago when I tried cocaine. Most people experience a decrease in libido while I wa very horny, erection was pre-fin (harder, fuller), and my brain fog was all gone. I could talk like a champ, make jokes, memory was sharp etc…

Based on this I decided to try selegiline next. This worked as anticipated. Brain fog was gone, I could function well and felt like my old self. However, Selegiline was detrimental to my sexual functioning but I would counteract that with a clomophine pill, which seemed to work well. But I had to stop selegiline. It requires you to be on a VERY strict diet, which I couldn’t sustain. If you don’t follow the diet your blood pressure will go up. It is bad for cardiovascular health and I just lost two people to strokes so I was worried about something bad happening.

Right now I am on modafinil. It works very well for both mental and sexual functioning. It is known to raise the levels of a host of neurotransmitters, in particular dopamine. However, it causes insomnia and frankly it does not work as well as selegiline for mental fog.

These experiences have proven to me that we have problems with dopamine - very real problems. I know these drugs will only mask the symptoms, but at this point I would be happy with that.

There is a reason Dr. Goldstein is recommending this protocol. Read up on each one of those medications. They tend to act on a variety of different dopamine receptors (there are many different kinds). At low daily doses, the idea is that dopamine levels will rise and the receptors will be reinforced. I think ultimately I won’t end up using all of these medications simultaneously. I will eventually find the right combination. I may be contempt with just one of them. But I know to counter brain fog and function at an acceptable level for my job, I will need a dopamine agonist.

for sure we have a huge problem with dopamine.

its theandrogen receptor that isfucked up and creates these downstream problems. dopamine is just one of them

did you try aderall?

Man, avoid all that. Goldstein has many “protocols” for different people as for what I remember. If you’re going to do that by yourself you seriously risk doing harm to yourself. These aren’t candies.

I am against taking drugs for pfs as I am pretty sure you can get out of depression (and lack of dopamine) with other methods. If you wanna know more just write me. However, if you really want to use drugs, try putting yourself in the hands of someone who at least knows what he is doing. PFS is not a game ok, it’s not amusing but you’ll not find it amusing either when you’ll be dealing with pfs PLUS withdrawing syndromes from the other drugs. My 2 cents.

I appreciate your sentiments tab. I will be very careful with these drugs, and take no more than 1/5 of the recommended dose.

I don’t know how you can get yourself out of depression easily. It has been 3 years now for me. When it is patently clear that neurotransmitters are low, and they are low because of some part of my neurochemistry not working properly, how can I counteract that?

People discredit Goldstein. But he knew what was goin on with us before the Italian study confirmed his hypothesis that 5ar is not doing its job right. I’ve tried seretonin drugs such as tryptophan and 5HTP, but it did not help as much as the dopamine drugs.

I don’t discrespect Goldstein, from what I remember he did have interesting ideas.

You are asking for life and drugs to do the work for you. You’re not going anywhere like that. The problem most of the people here have is that they think: “oh god I have that hormone imbalance so that is why I am depressed and I cannot do anything about it without drugs”. And that’s false. You are depressed because you are in despair, proccupied for your future, unhappy, maybe you have lost your work or your spouse/girlfriend or maybe both. Maybe you feel retarded because you can’t concentrate, can’t lough with friends anymore, and your penis is a worm. Well sure, there is probably the effect of finasteride behind all of that. However as I read some time ago in this forum, a neuroscientist said probably finasteride altered the connectivity in the brain because of hormonal variations (and I suppose, maybe many other things). We also know of our imbalances in various regions of the brain etc etc. Not funny at all. So now, if your brain connectivity has been altered, do you expect a drug to make it work again? NO, you’ll need to rebuild that connectivity which is not easy. It’s like if when you were young you learnt reading, then your connectivity got screwed up and you are not able to read anymore(that happened to me with Fin). So stay calm, and learn again how to do all of those things like reading; pay attention to how you feel when your reading, you feel anxious? maybe but trust me that’s because you see you can’t read and you subconsciously think about your future and how your life is fucked up and will be till the end. You need to break that habit and restart to have pleasure in doing things. Your brain connectivity will rewire slowly, but it will as long as you keep improving your life. I am sure one day you’ll have your penis back too. That neuroscientist suggested to read a lot to rewire the brain, and I am pretty sure it’s correct. Maybe alternating books that can help you in this situation and other generic books.

We cannot use drugs and supplements, there’s no proven efficacy, maybe only proven harm.
If your life is a disaster it will be like having a rope that will pull you down no matter what you do.
But that rope can be cut , and fairly rapidly, with the right tools. However it’s not easy to get out of this IMO, you need to work hard. You need to get all your things in place. By trying and trying you are going to force your brain to learn(or learn again) the correct patterns of action. I still have some ups and downs like everyone on this earth but I got really better by trying again and again. A lot of people here suffer from depression but because it was caused by Fin they do not bother buying a book about depression/anxiety and try to see if they can do anything about it in a holistic way. Once you are in a well, I agree it’s hard to get out but it can be done. For that you need to change your views, it’s not your body that tells how you feel and how you perform, but it’s your mind that tells you what you are going to do. If you are having problems to get down of the bed in the morning, well stop thinking, do what is right, be a man and get out of that stupid bed. This is an exaple, but if you do this consistently through the day results will show up. Don’t be a viscous shapless human being. Be a force of the nature, always. You wanna see where your dopamine and serotonine levels are going to be after you do this for some time?
Today there is a pill for everything and we were stupidly brought to the conclusion that psychology is a thing of the past, for stupid people, not for people who were perfectly fine before taking that drug. But really how can you tell psychology cannot help you? psychology and neurology are stricly interconnected. Let’s say you want to learn a piece of text, in pratice, to learn it and keep it in mind for the rest of your life, you will have to repeat it at an incresing time distance between each repetition (let’s say after 1 hour, then after 2 hours, then after one day, then after 3 days, then after 1 week, one month, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, etc.). This is a well known theory about memory. Now, if you read that text one time, the neuron wiring will be weak. After you repeat it 5 times accroding to the aforementioned scheme, it will be much stronger. So if you only read a book on how to get out of depression but do not study it, it will be about like if you never read it. You need to study all the things that your read and think can make your life better. If you don’t, the time you spent reading it was pointless. And that’s why you need to insist like a stubborn bastard on all the things you do to build a better life. Your depression and your fatigue will subside. One day you will find yourself doing 100 things altogether.
Write a diary, maybe a vocal diary by leaving messages on your phone of thoughts you have. Then once in a while go back and listen to those messages. That will help you understand and take action on the things that you need in your life. In time, all of these things I told you will add up and build a solid structure for your life, destroying anxiety. For the sexual part, use cialis/levitra (talk to your md for this, unless you find a girl that knows how to get it up for you). Study how to get girls, than will really ease your furstration and panic you are having.

So the point is about studying what can you do about your problems without using drugs possibly. You have MUCH more power of what you believe. I could tell you every single trick but, other than the fact that it would require me a couple of days to write them down, I wouldn’t be as effective as a good book. So I suggest you buy a good book on depression and read all what you can on the net, by paying attention to the seriousness of the source. Avoid approaches based on supplements and drugs, you really have no clue on how to use them, the body is too complicated for you to understand how to go and influnce it in the correct way chemically, and most of the info you find on the net comes from ambiguous sources.

Avoid focusing on your penis and fight to get your life back on track. Do things the right way. BUILD GOOD HABITS that make you obtain what you want. This is very important so read and learn about habit building. You can use smartphone apps to help you build them also. Trust me, your brain will start working correctly again, just teach it to do the things that you need in your life and avoid despairing. As you start to obtain results, never stop doing even better, never stop to fight. Consider it as a rehabilitation. But when you will be good again, then you will know a lot of tricks normal people don’t know and you will be stronger than most of them. Doing theatre helped me really to fake with people, which is a necessity if you suffer with pfs.
Don’t smoke and drink alchol, coffe and other stimulants(those things are terrible for this situation). You want to requilibrate your brain. You don’t want to be in permanent addiction(coffe is addictive too) with substances that might hinder the re-equilibration process. All of these touch the Dopamine cascade. Be free of those substances for many months continuously and you’ll feel the difference. It might also help to consider pfs as a withdrawal syndrome (it is apparently). Also sports release chemicals that make you feel well and will heal your body.

Excuse me for the lack of structure in this message.Time constraints.

Forgive me, the point about acting holistically is not only about rewiring the brain. There are a multitude of changes that will happen in your body and brain to adapt it to what you request it to do (I learnt of a lot of these changes through scientific articles and I am now sufficiently able to discriminate to a certain degree what can be used and what can not). It will adapt. If you pretend it to run 100 m fast after you’ve been 1 year at home, well I don’t think it will agree. It will take you a lot of time to rebuild that capacity. Same applies to pfs. Fin destroys easily, because destruction is easy in this world. Construction is much harder.

You can try all that for one year or so like many do and when it doesnt work come back to this thread. We have a problem with gene transcriptions how in the world is whishful thinking going to work? This is not a normal situational.depression! That advice is helpful.for people who didnt take fina and dont have genetic issues.
Try not to take cialis too much either it messes.with ur heart!!

It is possible you do some natural protocol for dopamine using uridine and dha. But i havent tried this. What i have tried and works is ropinirole but i have chronic insomnia (try beating that with the techniques that guy wrote above good luck) and it renders it useless in bad days. It is possible a krtogenic diet works but it is hard you better get urself a good nutritionist

Gene methylation first of all is not definitive. The intracellular and intranuclear biology are in constant adaptation to exterior signals and the nervous system acts on extracellular signals too. Exercise is an example of DEmethylation in muscular tissues. It is clear you have no serious knowledge on at least some basics of cellular biology.
You really have no idea where I’ve been with pfs. I took fin for 2,5 years and I was rapidly pull in hell but I could’t know it was fin doing that. So I kept taking it for 2,5 years. Even after withdrawal my life was destroyed for at least another 2,5 years. Look, I’ve been through chronic insomnia and much more of that :wink:
But, as you wish, keep testing drugs and supplements like a guinea pig. You’ll pay the price.

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You can have a read at this. … isk-taking

You talk like you are recovered. Well are you?

No need to be rude here but since you started

How the do u know if i understanx or not basic biology?

Let me say that judging by the % of recoveries you are the one who knows not much of what you talk about.

Its very arrogant to say that you suffer more than someone else. I have no patience for someone with that behaviour

Your story is the typical one. Nothing in ur version of hell to make it worse than mine or anyones.
Keep doing nothing youll pay the price

and you can have a read at this

and this … 0190a.html

Prostate cancers are initially androgen dependent, but most cases eventually relapse to an androgen-independent state after androgen deprivation therapy (Schroder, 1993).

^^^ why do you think that is? because drug epigenetic changes from 5ARI can’t be very persistent?! Maybe we should quit all these studies and tell people that the best they can do is changing their mindset. if you beat chronic insomnia with wishful thinking, or all your sides, you have nothing and i have trouble imagining what hell you been through. i know mine is pretty real.

want to preach preach in the church

That will help you understand and take action on the things that you need in your life. In time, all of these things I told you will add up and build a solid structure for your life, destroying anxiety. For the sexual part, use cialis/levitra (talk to your md for this, unless you find a girl that knows how to get it up for you). Study how to get girls, than will really ease your furstration and panic you are having.
You can use smartphone apps to help you build them also. Trust me, your brain will start working correctly again, just teach it to do the things that you need in your life and avoid despairing.

you got to be kidding me… learn David DeAngelo pickup artist thing and basically ignore the problem that you still have (PFS), since you will still need cialis.

ok, cool…moving on

Xp could you give us an update on ropinirole I have chronic insomnia but want to increase dopamine levels.

Its good stuff but the best is to abuse sunlight. Its what i doong now and def works.

Ropinirole didnt help insomnia or hurt it. But i didnt use it a lot