Need advise about SERMS

Hi everyone,

I want to experiment with SERMS to see how I react. I would like to start with a really low dose and go from there. Nolvadex and Clomid seem to be the most popular choices. My question is which is superior? From what I have read it seems that if I take clomid I need to also take an anti estrogen like armidex, but with nolvadex this isn’t an issue (Am I correct in my understanding? ). Armidex scares me as I am terrified of lowering E too much, so perhaps nolvadex is a better option? If anyone could please shed some light on this I would be very grateful. I feel so lost at the moment.

Thank you,

These were my most recent labs about a month and a half ago.

LH----3.5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH—3.6 (1.5-12.4)
Test serum—649 (264-916)
Test free—11.8 (8.7-25.1)
DHEA-S—324.8 (138.5-475.2)
THS—2.290- (.450-4.500)
Estradiol—29.8 (7.6-42.6)
Insulin—2.1 (2.6-24.9)

I wouldn’t ever touch arimidex.

I’ve seen on here/heard that arimidex can be dangerous for those with pfs.

I used clomiphene with anastrozole without any problems. Nice muscle tone and body shape.
When you stop anastrozole you need to taper off (no cold turkey).
Tamoxifen isn’t a good choice because it has more complications in men.

Do not use arimidex if you have PFS

Anastrozole is a reversible inhi.

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If I used clomid at a low dose of 12.5mg every few days, would I even need an AI? Or will my E rise regardless?

I used clomiphene 25mg/day.
AI isn’t necessary but you can use it in combination.
However they increase your testosterone but estradiol drop quickly (you could experience anxiety, depression, insomnia).
Check with your doc the right dosage.