I took Clomid for 6 months and saw impovement. I still have room to improve but am weary of taking more drugs that may cause harm.
I’ll explain my history briefly: Had a complete PFS crash in 2009, had all the extreme symptoms. At a time my testosterone was in the 100’s. I took clomid in 2010 and around the same time I began feeling much better and saw my testosterone rise to 800. I noticed a lot of mental improvements and some sexual (although not as much as you would think by looking at my results). My testoserone didn’t stay that high for long.
Today my testoterone is on the very low end of the range at 300. I’d like to improve my sexual function and my doctor prescribed me Clomid. Does anyone see any reasons to be concerned with getting back on Clomid? My doctor tells me there’s nothing to be worried about, there are no known side effects. Honestly I could live with my current condition if I had to. I didn’t have any noticable side effects the first time I took Clomid but still I want to seriously consider my options before taking any drug.
Any advice is appreciated.