Need advice: Should I get back on Clomid?

I took Clomid for 6 months and saw impovement. I still have room to improve but am weary of taking more drugs that may cause harm.

I’ll explain my history briefly: Had a complete PFS crash in 2009, had all the extreme symptoms. At a time my testosterone was in the 100’s. I took clomid in 2010 and around the same time I began feeling much better and saw my testosterone rise to 800. I noticed a lot of mental improvements and some sexual (although not as much as you would think by looking at my results). My testoserone didn’t stay that high for long.

Today my testoterone is on the very low end of the range at 300. I’d like to improve my sexual function and my doctor prescribed me Clomid. Does anyone see any reasons to be concerned with getting back on Clomid? My doctor tells me there’s nothing to be worried about, there are no known side effects. Honestly I could live with my current condition if I had to. I didn’t have any noticable side effects the first time I took Clomid but still I want to seriously consider my options before taking any drug.

Any advice is appreciated.

So it’s been a while that i am posting here, i tried every natural regime to help my situation but no progress on sexual function, so i started to study clomid. Do you guys think that maybe clomid can help me to improve my testosterone levels? I was thinking to take 12,5mg of clomid every other day for 3 months?

I don’t have any mental sides any more, only sexual (no libido, erection problems, discomfort in penis) and sleep is also improved (6-7h every day)

My story: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7065

Blood test:

Visual disturbances are a possible side effect of Clomid.
I noticed blurred vision at night time whilst driving, which kinda scared me so i quit taking it and luckily my vision problems resolved within a few days.

Something to be aware of and consider before taking Clomid.

Very hard to say. Some seem to respond still god to androgens other react even negativ. I personaly never would try clomi

Brainfog why do you say that? I haven’t read any side effects of Clomid. When I took it for 6 weeks I had no side effects myself only saw improvements. But I’m still weary of taking it again.

Do more research, visit forums and see what long time users have to tell you. Don’t believe your Drs, Endos or pharmas. They are simply BS.

Brainbug…All drugs have side effects and clomi is a anticancer drug and not smarites. Like I wrote some of the guys here have benefits from it other not other negativ. No one can tell you who you will resond. Leike sp wrote…read here and make you picture no one can tell you what to do its up to you. We just can say pros or cons.