Neck and Back muscle tightness and cramps while sleeping

One of the major problems happens during sleep and it’s getting worse.

Imagine standing straight up. Keeping your eyes straight in your head look at the sky. Your neck is at such an angle the back of your head almost touches your back. Add to this your shoulders tightening. They move forward and upward as tight as possible.

I’m waking up every morning like this. I get so tight at night that my joints pop out of place. Both my shoulders pop out and a couple of ribs around where my heart is (upper chest). This position is causing me to snore and exhaust me. It’s also gotten so bad that my shoulders have literally pulled themselves into the body reducing my measurements. I have lost ability to do some exercises due to lack of mobility.

I researched MS and Parkinsons and while I have a few of the symptoms it’s not an overall match. My muscles are definitely softer, more rigid, and lack the elastic reaction of my pre fin self.

While exercise does help loosen me up I’m not making improvements here. In the long run I am degenerating. Does this sound familiar with anyone else? Any advice?

I have the exact same symtoms recently.

Its funny cause if i stretch just one arm for say 20 secs upon awakening myy body looks like 2 different halves put together, the streched shoulder would sit a like 4 inches or so lower than the non stretched shoulder.

I think its stress related. I had this before and it went away in a year or so but so did most of my symptoms.

This particular symptom came back to me after i stopped trt. Very much like when i quit propecia so theres deffinetly a connection there.

Ive also got carpel tunnel syndrome at the same time wich i allso remembered having when i quit propecia.
Dont think its MS but im going to get checked out by a good neuro doc just to be sure. Worst thing is that MS can explain every symptom i ever had yet im still pretty confident we dont have ms.

The only thing that differs in my labs when having these symptoms are higher cortisol. Well and i have higher T now too but doubt thats a connection…

I disagree with the stress aspect, I don’t have stress at all now. I’ve had varying levels of stress during my time on and after fin. Right now it’s at a low but the cramps are at a high.

You were on trt and it wasn’t there, you go off trt and this comes? It seems to me this suggests a problem with the testesterone and NO synthesis while sleeping. Your body could be compensating with higher cortisol because something happened with your test levels, perhaps downstream? This would explain the reaction after you went off TRT, no? I still have the problem of soft, inelastic muscles.

The relaxation aspect could also be due to neurotransmitters or steriods imbalanced.

Something else I just read that makes sense from Wikipedia:

“Blood-brain barrier breakdown: The blood–brain barrier is a capillary system that should prevent entrance of T cells into the nervous system.[4] The blood–brain barrier is normally not permeable to these types of cells, unless triggered by infection or a virus, which decreases the integrity of the tight junctions forming the barrier.[4] When the blood–brain barrier regains its integrity, usually after infection or virus has cleared, the T cells are trapped inside the brain.[4]”

Not jumping up and pointing a finger here but it is possible Fin impaired the blood brain barrier.

Here’s a post from Dr. Chrysler’s forum. Supplementing T3, not Armour, helped to relieve muscle tightness: