
Had a visit to my doc today, and he prescribed me Nebido injections. I asked him what it was as I have not come across the name on this board. He was surprised that it hadn’t been mentioned here, as he himself knows and has visited this board. He told me he had his first finasteride related patient already in the 90’s and has since treated many patients suffering of PFS.

In my bloodwork, testosterone was low, estradiol (E2) was 0.07 nmol/l (ref ≤ 0.15 nmol/l)] which I’m assuming is not high, eventho I was expecting high estrogen (?).

Anybody here tried Nebido? User Enden suggests trying proviron/mesterolone before starting TRT here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6910&p=60542#p60542

which now got me to thinking I should probably go for that first, as I am really not too excited about starting TRT.


I stand corrected, did a google search “propeciahelp nebido”, came up empty. Thank you!

I’ve tried nebido in 2009 just once.
My total T was 280ng/ml so my doc gave me nebido.

After the injection I experienced difficulties while walking, sitting etc. for about 5 days.
In that 5 days my situation did not get better. But after 5 days I started to feel that boost. Even stronger than before. My libido, erection quality all came back. I was feeling much stronger while exercising.

But after 1,5 months in I had totaly crashed in only 3 days.
It is said to be normal for that first shot. But I did not know that and my doc did not explained this. So have not tried again.

talk to your doctor to switch Nebido for Cyp/Enan Test

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It’s a bad idea to try TRT with Nebido, as it has a long half-life - although its pharmacokinetics are significantly better than testosterone enanthate/cypionate. Proviron may be hard to get hold of through a doctor. I recommend that you try 0.5 mg Arimidex a day along with 2.5 mg Cialis first, as it’s likely that those medications will be a part of a TRT protocol. Arimidex will suppress your estradiol level, and thus increase your testosterone production. It’ll also be your PCT if you decide to try TRT, and then quit later. TRT should be last resort - especially with Nebido, and if it comes to that, you should try a gel preparation before moving on to TE/C (at least one injection a week). Nebido should only be used when you have decided to stay on TRT for life.

Fully agree. Suggesting Nebido as a primer for TRT is not only a poor but also dangerous choice. If you react badly to androgen supplementation, as many men do (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3250), then the long half life of Nebido can potentially send you off the edge. I am surprised that a doctor, who has been working with PFS patients for so long, would suggest such a foolishly dangerous route. A central part of the PFS problem is a often negative reaction to androgen supplementation. If you want to try TRT, go for something with a much shorter half life (standard enanthate/cypionate esters). In any case, I would definitely not try gels either, because they convert too heavily into DHT and estradiol. Try doing a hard workout. If you feel great for the next few days, you may give TRT a shot. If you don’t or feel bad, then TRT is not for you, irrespective of your blood values.

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This reflects my experiences. Heavy workout often makes me feel worse, but light workout helps me pretty much.