Had a visit to my doc today, and he prescribed me Nebido injections. I asked him what it was as I have not come across the name on this board. He was surprised that it hadn’t been mentioned here, as he himself knows and has visited this board. He told me he had his first finasteride related patient already in the 90’s and has since treated many patients suffering of PFS.
In my bloodwork, testosterone was low, estradiol (E2) was 0.07 nmol/l (ref ≤ 0.15 nmol/l)] which I’m assuming is not high, eventho I was expecting high estrogen (?).
Anybody here tried Nebido? User Enden suggests trying proviron/mesterolone before starting TRT here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6910&p=60542#p60542
which now got me to thinking I should probably go for that first, as I am really not too excited about starting TRT.