nebido, testogel or andractim ?

which one is more effective on increasing serum testosterone to higher levels?

(to grow decent body hair & beard)

need a quick help

i will make an order tomorrow


andractim is DHT, if you use some andractim and some Testogel that might be good combo. our bodies tend to swing more to estrogen. If you use testo gel without any anti estrogen you will get water pretension and gyno. USing Adex is a solution but has it’s own sides, I will not recommend.

i used testogel for 2 days, 100mg/day, a slight water retention occured. but when i was on testocaps(vrigien andriol-120mg/day) it has very powerful effects on erectile performance,

testogel also works but maybe 100mg is too much, testocaps is way more good on erectile function&libido issues(TU is more potent Testosterone-long halflife.).

now i am go back on proviron again, thinking of testocaps with proviron and check my levels again

i took proviron and seems like that my immune system is attacking on my skin, a strong pain on skin-hand :frowning: - there is a faint hyper pigmentation on my right hand-skin. & pain.

only on proviron these immune reaction is on, Testocaps or testogel did not cause a immune response like proviron.

rubbed testogel to increase beard growth speed, i felt very strong burning feel, dont know if its an autoimmune pain against T or 5AR activity, or just because alchocol…also some very little hyperpigmentations occured.

  • this burning just feels like, my hand’s burning feel when i took proviron. interesting.

also rubbed testogel on my shoulder 50mg but there is no burning no disturbing feeling.

still any water retention?