My Urologists Appointment

Went to see a Urologist today as proposed by my Doctor.

I took a list of my symptoms with me which he briefly looked at but seemed not interested in reading.

He seemed more pre-occupied in asking his own pre-listed, robotic questions to tick off the answers to.

He then performed a physical exam on me and told me I was fine and free to be discharged !!!

No suggestions about my dribbling after urinating, shrinkage, loss of erections… NOTHING !!!

The more I visit Doctors or people in the medical profession, the more I feel like I’m wasting my time and quickly come to realise that US on here are all ALONE to get on with our issues !!!

You’re not wasting your time. Every doctor you see raises awareness. Being looked at like you’re crazy does get old, however. If you want someone to take you seriously reseasrch around and find a doctor who is already somewhat familiar with PFS or check with a research facility/