My testosterone labs, please help

Hi I just got my T labs and my testosterone levels are low (I’m female btw) but the levels are low in the female range.

TOTAL TESTOSTERONE …20.36 ng/dL (normal range 17.5 - 50.4)

FREE TESTOSTERONE… 1.73% (normal range 2-3%)

BIODISPOIBLE TESTOSTERONE…41.54 % (normal range 47 - 50%)

SHBG … 34.16 nmol/L (normal range 19.5 - 143.2)

I also have high prolactin, high estrogen, low progesterone, low t3, low cortisol… I am seeing what can i do for these problems but with low testosterone I have no idea what to do, any suggestions would really be helpful, thanks a lot

i am not sure what you can do as a female to boost test levels . perhaps try adrenals / t3 route first as adrenals create a lot of sex hormones so maybe get them sorted .

lower your estrogen should raise test levels as high estrogen normally means lower test

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Take zinc

I had the same problem against the prolaktin problem you can take this " Dr. BÖHM Mönchspfeffer 4 mg Filmtabletten " it reduced my prolaktin roundobut 65% in 10 days i take one in the evening . And im on trt now because my testosteron was low but you can try the "mönchspfeffer " for 2 months and check your testosteron again becaus when your prolaktin is too high your body stops the testosteron production my it gets higher when the prolaktin is lower.