My Supraphysiological testosterone experiment (confirms finasteride culprit)

Hi, I’m an ex-finasteride sufferer who’s HPTA has been destroyed and I’m on HRT (testosterone, 1000mg per 10 weeks) and arimidex (estrogen blocker).

I took finasteride from ages 22-24. I am now 27. I had chronic headaches, brain fog, fatigue, sexual dysfunction about 6 months after starting finasteride. All remain, although the HRT has improved the fatigeu and sexual dysfunction.

PLEASE NOTE MY HAIR LOSS DID NOT RETURN after stopping FINASTERIDE and i have a full head of hair

I conducted the following experiment recently to see the effects of supraphysiological testosterone - i.e., effects on finasteride side effects, plus I’m into bodybuidling.

Weeks 1-8 500mg of SUstanon Testosterone
Weeks 4-6 400mg Deca Nandrolone.
Its now near end of week 7

My Observations as to how i felt across these weeks:

Week 1: Amazing, improved brain function, energy etc, morning boners now at their pre-finasteride level.
Weeks 2-4: Good, brain function improvements diminished, but energy, morning boners still quite good. Still no feeling in my penis.
Week 6: Started to get Deca Prolactin side effects - extreme bloat, fatigue, brain fog, decrease in morning boners. Stopped Deca

Its now week 7 - prolactin side effects decreased but still there. Bloat still bad.

(1) My dose of Sustanon was high. Yet I had no DHT side effects - eg skin remained normal, no acne, no hair loss (AMAZING), no anger, no mood swings, no increase in libido (still 0), no increase in penis sensation, although morning boners returned to pre-finasteride level.
(2) The prolactin side effects seemed to increase my chronic headaches and brain fog, perhaps indicating a dopamine connection here.

Future Steps:
(1) I am not sure what to tell my Dr. This is worthwhile information. Pretty clear that finasteride is source of my problems given no DHT side effects. Either I dont’ produce 5-AR2 or have no androgen receptivity.
(2) I’m interested in experimenting with a dopamine agonist (eg Bromocriptine) or a DHT derivative (masteron preferably, as winny is bad for the liver over long periods). I won’t use Deca again. The dopamine angle interests me cause initially HRT can increase dopamine and my brain worked better both in first week of HRT and steroids.
(3) Supraphysiological test levels made me feel better, but are not going to solve my issues alone

What do people think? Comments


I think this is a good opportunity to assess where we are at. My advice:

  1. Get a full blood panel done, plus AdiolG and Vitamin D (which we are all low in)
  2. Supplement accordingly. I’m on TRT for life (40mg T per week plus HCG 250iu twice a week). Now I’m taking Andractrim to raise 3AdiolG.

I tried Masteron and it worked in making my hair fall out more, erections and ejaculate and mood improved, but I took too much. Bear in mind that Masteron is only 22% androgenic! Yes, it is one of the more androgenic steroids, but still mainly anabolic. Have you considered acquiring Proviron powder and making a home brew. Proviron (Mesterolone) is 85% androgenic, but it’s normally taken orally (thus reducing bioavailability).

To my knowledge, Mesterolone is not used as an IM drug (why would it be?) but I think that would work. That said, this is only my theory, given a basic level of knowledge and the way it works orally for me and others.


Yes, I’m on HRT per life (and I’m only 27). I have been seeing a Dr for this about 9 months.

My Vit D is normal.

I would like to test for AdiolG.

My problems mirror many of this site, except finasteride has not affected my appearance (i.e., made me fat or caused muscle atrophy). My main concern is brain fog and headaches. I graduated in the top 1-2% of my state’s best law school which only selects the top 1-2% of high school applicants (law degrees can be done directly from high school in Australia, unlike US), and have been rendered unable to practice

Why did you switch to deca from sustanon? Were results on sustanon alone ok?

Have you ever thought about HCG shots or SERMS in an attempt to restart your HPA?
At your age HRT to me would be the very last option.

It’s too late now. My dr’s didn’t suggest HCG and when offered HRT I jumped all over it. Probably not best option to try first but I have been on some form of HRT now for a year (first testogel, which didn’t seem to do much, then rendron). Balls have shrunk a lot

I’d see it as worth a short personally.

Sim I dont know what posessed you to try Deca…and this is good opportunity to remind anyone who doesnt already know about the famous condition called “deca d*ck” which can result from taking that stuff. Glad to hear you wont touch it again.

I would get on HCG as soon as possible to try and save your “boys”.

How do you know your E was at the correct level while doing this experiment? It seems like a bit of a stab in the dark especially with T levels that high. Did you consider your SHBG level when considering your estrogen?

"Week 1: Amazing, improved brain function, energy etc, morning boners now at their pre-finasteride level.
Weeks 2-4: Good, brain function improvements diminished, but energy, morning boners still quite good. Still no feeling in my penis. "

We see this same pattern over and over again. Improvements in the first week or so followed by a downfall.

When are we going to investigate this? This will probably lead to an explanation of all our symptoms.

My experience is that

Taking HCG increases estradiol and other metabolites. When I have started TRT after starting HCG I get NO first week benefit of TRT.

Starting TRT without HCG was a totally different story. First week felt amazing as the original poster. This happens with so many on here. It is time to explain these problems. To me it seems like a metabolite of T probably estrogenic metabolite builds up and counters all the positive effects of the T. My tests confirm free estradiol is over range when free Test is mid range.