I already posted this in another spot but wanted to add it to the member stories thread.
On and off dutasteride for 5 years.
Sexual Sides are my biggest problem:
Loss of libido and ED
Its been a long and confusing road to be honest. I’d say sexual sides started around 08 but it was hard to pinpoint them to avodart bc of a complicated relationship, so i brushed them off. The sides continued to increase in severity over time, and I now suspect may likely have been enhanced by going on and off the medication. It wasn’t until recently that I started seeing sexual therapist to find out what was wrong with me. She concluded there was nothing wrong with me (mentally). She then referred me over to Goldstein in early July, and here I am.
I went from being Hypersexual to hyposexual. I wish I had found this forum sooner, bc I was off the medication for almost a year and just started again in late Feb… and I think this last stint has done some additional damage.
I’ve been reading quite a bit, trying to find a plan of attack. But at this point I think I will give it time before seeking any treatment. It seems there is so much confusion about our condition. Not to mention the varying list of sides that some have and some do not. It seems the great motivator for all of us is putting an end to these dreadful sexual sides. However, without understanding the biology behind the cause I feel time is our only ally, for now.
I had my labs done while still on avodart, then again 2 weeks after stoppage. I plan on having them done again on the 6th which will show 2 months after stoppage. In the meantime, I maintain a healthy diet and work out often. I try not to read the horror stories on here or the negative comments, I feel like the last thing I need to add to my struggle is depression. Many of us have suffered great losses from the sides, myself included, but I think its best to focus on the science behind the damage, treatments, and recoveries.
Its been a rough 4 years, but I am excited to see the attention this getting and the studies now being conducted. I pray that they make a break though sooner than later and put an end to this “disability” once and for all.