My story with 5 months topical dutasteride

Hi guys I am 23 year old male. I don’t want to share my actual name so you can call me with my nickname. 4 months ago I poured 14 capsueles of avodart into a 60 ml minoxidil bottle and I used 4 sprays every day. Mathematically I applied 0.09 mg of dutasteride a day topically. I was fine at the beginning but at the end of the 3rd month I got side effects like low libido, ED and insomnia. Apart from that my mental situation was normal I didn’t get any mood disorder. At the end of month 5 I finally decided to give up to treatment and I threw the solution to thrash. However, a week quitting I started feeling a bit strange and started researching ( I knew about the PFS bu I wasn’t believeing it and I trusted my low dose topcal treatment). After I found this website and started reading the stories I was devestated. Now for the last week I have incredibly bad mood swings (1 hour Ok than 2 hour anxiety and panic attacks), no sensation in my gonadal area, testicular shrinkage, very bad brain fog (Today I almost got crushed by a bus) no interest in women, only sleeping 2 hours a day, muscle twitching.

Guys I am having suicidal thoughts and I am a student who lives far away from his parents. I don’t know if I’m gonna be any better. I just wanna survive this. I was not that bad mentally when I was on the drug I don’t understand why I got worse after quitting. Please share your thoughts and knowledge.
Should I talk to my parents or should wait a little bit to improve. I know they are gonna be really mad and sad. I don’t want to make them anxious.

From the knowledge I gain from you guys If I can get a bit better and motivated I am planning to start a regimen which includes:
Vitamin D, Zinc, Fish Oil, Creatine
Water fasting

Thank you

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get out of these forums. Your crash is so recent, you may improve a lot in short time. You dont know if its pfs or the active effect of the drug. You should make sure to not stress reading horror stories. Come back in 3 months if you dont improve. A lot of people improve after interrumption.

And drop supplementation!! at least zinc and creatine are the most concerning there. But you should drop everything if you dont have any defficiency. You have to eat healthy, to try to lower your stress (this is difficult i know) and try to rest as much as possible.


Your supplements are OK. Zink I would avoid. Some have not so good experience with it. The start is hard. Some really don’t get pfs only long lasting sites. Some with fully blown pfs (in the German Group) really recovered in the two years range.

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