hello every one,
i am 30 years old male who have used propecia for about 6-7 years and just quit month ago,
i started on the age of 23 when i first saw my hair is shedding and the dermotolog told me its a male hairloss cause by dht and the medicine propecia has no side effects and i should try this.
the first year my hair was much thicker and my hairloss almost stopeed, i had very low sperm in my orgasms and got softer erections, the doctor told me no need to panick cause its go away when you stop taking it,
while i was taking it i was feeling by the years some depression, pressure in chest, and two years ago almost very weak erection and sometimes no erection, my balls got very tiny and i cant done any sex cause a lot of times i couldnt get to full erection for sex.
the 2-3 years ago i feel more anxiety than usual, and got some panic attacks few times, also i had brain fog, and couldnt conctrate and feel like i cant follow up people who talked to me, i didnt connection it to propecia and i didnt understand whats going up with me.
about 1-2 months its always got me after i took propecia i got some panic attacks, short of breathness, strong heart beats, hard pressure on chest, dizziness, i thought i was going to die and its heart attack, it was about week that every day i had a strong anxiety that i feel that my life is hell!! i was at hospital few times and they told me my heart is ok and its stron panick attacks, the psychiatrist told me to quit propecia immediatly, i stopped if for a month and i feel better but i still in bad anxiety,that not going away alone, i consider taking SSRI to go out of my bad anxiety that i got and dont go away… i thought that about two weeks i will be new but it isnt the situation, my hair is shedding and seems got really bad hairloss from quitting the drug…
does someone got a case like that?does the anxiety will go away alone or i should take SSRI to get out of it?my life is hell and i feel very bad from the anxiety and the panick attacks that atacks me, i cant really relax from the situation of the panick attacks…