My story and my solution

I have suffered for a little more than 10 years now. I have all the typical mental and sexual side effects. I have tried healing naturally, and I have tried taking nearly every reasonable medication or supplement out there. I can only imagine what might be the long term consequences. I have met with numerous doctors in my area, and I have traveled to some of the top hospitals in the USA. The only thing that has really worked for me are high doses of TRT and PDE5 inhibitors. Unfortunately they only work for a few months, then I have to take a break from the medications for couple months. Over the years this treatment has become less and less effective.

PFS has made work difficult, and it has made a long term relationship with a woman impossible. I just turned 36, and I feel that I have been robbed of my prime years. I want to be with a woman without this being an issue. I’m done living this way.

The TRT eliminates most of my mental side effects, and I can get a penile implant to compensate for the sexual side effects. I have researched this extensively at, and I have talked to several urologists that perform this procedure. Although the doctors are hesitant to recommend this to someone as young as me, I can’t see why I shouldn’t go through with it.

Before making assumptions about penile implants, I suggest you do some research. There is a lot of misinformation, and there have been great advances in the field in recent years.

  • You orgasm and ejaculate normally
  • Experienced doctors will properly measure and fit you so that you do not lose length (many report increases in girth)
  • The erection looks and feels natural to both you and your partner
  • Most even report they can have casual sex without the girl even knowing they have an implant
  • Most implants are lasting 15+ years
  • Recovery time is 2-6 weeks, after 3 months it is said you don’t even notice having a foreign object in your body
  • You can have sex as frequently as you like and for as long as you want
  • Rough sex is not a problem

Here are some disadvantages

  • expensive $30k for top doctors (my insurance will cover part, so it will cost me about $15k)
  • I am so young that I will likely have to get mine redone 1-2 times before I die
  • It is possible that the implant can cause a thinning of the skin over time from where it rubs. Doctors have not given me a real solution or even explained if this will be that big of an issue.
  • If I get into a relationship, I will have to explain that I have an implant. However I don’t think it will be that big of deal, since most say they are MUCH better in bed with an implant

I know this seems extreme, but put yourself in my shoes. If you are recent victim, I would suggest you try to give it time. Maybe you will heal naturally? Maybe they will find a cure? I have suffered for more than 10 years. I’m done. Nonetheless, I welcome your thoughts.

I’m at the same situation as you. I don’t have mental sides, only physical and sexual. I’m 35 and I don’t think a cure will be found in a reasonable time frame, I’ve tried pretty much everything, I’ll have stem cell therapy one more time in about a month. If that doesn’t work (and I really doubt it will), I’ll look into getting an implant as well. I think I’ll wait for the result of the Baylor study, which they say will be released this year, and if that doesn’t lead to a cure, I’ll get an implant.

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I got no sexual sides but devastating physical sides and mental side effects…crazy it’s Neuro hormones.

It does sound promising doesnt it. Why would you necessarily need to tell a partner you have an implant though, they may never even notice it right?

Did you ever water fasted?