My Story - 21 and dealing with side effects

Caveat to this story, minor update…

Had a pretty intense day. My regimen isn’t even one day old, and I’m not sure that the component that initially got me into it is helping as much as it’s hurting, meaning Yohimbe. There is indisputably a difference between swallowing the capsule and dumping the granules in a drink, but today, I especially convinced myself that I needed that bright light in my head, for reasons mentioned in the bottommost forum section, so I desperately called an audible and doubled the dosage because I was hardly feeling the improved mood and slick tongue when I most needed it. I awoke today and felt happy, for so long I haven’t felt that way - I’ve felt fibro-like pain, weak dull mind, confusion, etc.; clearly no reason to be happy, and since I never experienced ANYTHING like this prior to my initial fin usage which gave me hyper-vigilance/anxiety, this just further heavies the weight of frustration on my mind.

So, excising all that babble, 6 capsules of Yohimbe had pretty much the same effect, but it is possible that repeated usage may dull the effect, compelling me to take more. The more I take this, the more it stresses my heart; I had high blood pressure/bpm. Thusly, I have learned that the stress this induces on the cardio system is likely too much of a hazard to practice religiously, and I don’t like the feeling of 100+bpm from merely walking in the house, so even though it has allowed me my only recovery in any area of my ailments, it doesn’t seem a healthy way to go.

What I learned most is I cannot depend on these supplements for function, I must do that myself, but alternatively their effect is significant and evident.

Ironically, testament to the positive benefit, people around me have remarked that I’ve got my sense of humor back, and I find myself cracking more jokes like I normally would. Hopefully, with consistent supplementation of the non-dangerous treatments at my disposal, this positive aspect will not diminish.

I was unsure of finasteride’s true capacity to affect dopamine beyond it’s relationship to T levels, but I just spotted this on the forum and thought it pretty clear: allopregnanolone increases dopamine output. Anyone consider this counterintuitive (assuming decreased AP means more stress, the dopamine would elevate and deplete due to stress response VS. increased AP directly increasing dopamine)? Just wondering… I’m no doctor, but in the very least bit I see there is evidence of a relationship.

Anyway, off to bed… too much for one day.

Just to confirm… this new protocol hasn’t been especially successful. Perhaps there is a minor, negligible increase in memory or sharpness, but definitely not enough to report back success. After 1/7 - 1/8, it has been a steady decline from the unexpected surge in mood and cognitive finesse that I have not been able to repeat, despite using the same supplements. If I would speculate, all I can assume is I grew a tolerance to the dosage/supplements, and the same amount had less of an effect, but I’m unsure of that. All I know is that I can’t repeat that outcome of decreased brain fog/increases expressiveness - something I REALLY enjoyed (I had my personality and wit again), and wish I could get back.

This experience, however, has indicated to me that dopamine probably does have a significant role in the symptom of brain fog, and compels me to want to try a DARI to see if there is a greater chance of me coming out of this mental dullness.

I also have no doubt that the mental symptoms are at least partially caused by a lack of optimal hormones/androgen, or to be more specific, a lack of their benefit. I have said before, the second of my debilitating symptoms is a weak, atrophied, myalgic musculature, that makes walking places and going out a challenge. Although as of now my T level is abnormally low, even when it was at ~600, my symptoms never changed, making me still wonder about the functionality of my androgen receptors. I have a few more hormone values to read before I move onto that theory.

Also, considering my symptoms, I’m dually interested in seeing how my HGH output is, since my symptoms are interchangeable with HGH deficiency as well. I won’t go so far to say I think this is a primary cause, but considering the relevance to my problem, it’s something worth checking up on.

Lastly, I’ve added Zinc (1, 25mg) and CoQ10 (2, 60mg) to my supplements. After two days no major improvements to speak of. I’m using Zinc to enhance the androgen output/presence in my body, and COQ10 to battle my weakness and fatigue.

At this point I think i could try shooting speed into my atrium and I wouldn’t see much difference in my problem… there definitely is a fundamental thing going wrong here, negating everything. I hope it’s not as serious as I think.

Today was my first day using Sustain Alpha, and I had some high hopes that I feel were somewhat fulfilled.

The shipment took 4 days to arrive, and the stuff itself is a creamy substance that smells kinda like salad dressing (it’s a good thing). Applying is simple, they explain where and how. Within maybe 20 minutes I was feeling less physically cramped up and tight, and calmer/more bold. A bit stronger, too. Definitely more male than passive and disinclined to be active. Sexually, not too much is happening yet, but I feel a bit more inclined toward sexual stuff and more easily aroused (haven’t tried anything yet but my dick wasn’t as retracted as it has been post-fin).

So yeah, this is a simple update, a positive one. I’ll be using the bottle cyclically - 5 days on and 2 off - so hopefully with sustained usage I’ll feel better.

Hey didn’t realize you were tasking Sustain Alpha. I’m just about to start my second bottle. Been so-so on the results so far, but I also skipped an entire week on the last bottle when I forgot to take it on vacation with me. Anyway, hoping for better things after eight weeks on it. Keep us posted.

I’m on my second week of this, and I’m still not feeling much relief. I felt the best when I tried it the first two days, had some noticeable improvements. Now it’s starting to feel like just some weird smelly lotion I’m forcing myself to apply.

I missed yesterday’s application b/c I was so tired (and I hadn’t even done much yesterday), so fatigue remains an obstacle of a symptom. Some days on this I feel a bit more in-control, rational or calm, but it’s slight. Anyway I will use this bottle until it runs out, which should be sometime in late March. It seems to make rational sense to use something that can elevate T production, since my T levels were low last reading and my symptoms reflect T deficiency. I see no reason to stop using it just because I’m not rising from the dead ala Jesus.

What I would ideally want this to have some positive effect on would be my muscular tightness/discomfort, energy levels and sexual desire/ability. There have been rare times when those benefits have sorta flickered on for a short time, but it’s nothing special.

Alas, another week, another wish.

EDIT: Here’s a few images to get an idea of the product:

lines show each use. this is after 7 days using.


Do you do five or six pumps? Where do you apply them, and do you switch up the application areas? I remember that being reccommended by the manufacturer, don’t know how necessary it is. I just do my shoulders, abdomen and upper arms every time, sometimes thighs and whatever of my back I can reach.

Yeah, I remember feeling good for the first few days and then the effect wore off. But I stuck it out for two bottles and I think it did contribute to some good numbers in the end. Just started my second bottle today.

Started out with six pumps but went down to five. I do shoulders, chest and even buttocks. Some people even recommend applying to your balls, so I gave that a go a few times. Thighs seemed a bit too close to the edge of the recommended area so I didn’t so that.

Maybe I’ll try changing application sites.

Not like an update is really an update when I’m still suffering through this, but…

I have turned to a supplement called Phenibut. It is 4-amino-3-phenyl-butanoic acid, a natural derivative of GABA that passes the blood-brain barrier. I don’t have all that much anxiety these days, just still can’t find the right words and not as expressive as I should be at all. That’s not all my symptoms obviously, but that’s all I figure this substance would assist. I figured, since its somewhat like GHB, I should try it.

Firstly, it comes in those glucose-cap covering pill form, and for whatever reason, I rarely if ever have any benefit I should from a pill contained in that. Happened with tyrosine and yohimbe. I took the lowest dose I could at first (powdered), and noticed a somewhat better mood. I felt more motivated to confront people. I then used the rest to sleep, as taking some more had no change. I don’t exceed 2g per day, so that was 1.25g. I definitely noticed a subdued state, relaxation, sleepiness for about 2 hours. When I finally slept it was a very deep sleep, but only 2 hours. So deep I didn’t remember dreams or even that time elapsed, I just woke up feeling like I was in a coma. When I woke up I had a lot of my personality back, but that faded in a few hours.

Note on “brain fog”: I realize I do something I call “irrelevant thoughts”, meaning I both find I must harp on a question or notion I have, and can do for hours, until I get any sort of satisfactory solution, and I have had a tendency to divulge to nonsensical jokes and musings instead of things that actually matter. This is more of a past behaviour analysis, and I currently only do more of the former but when this first presented I simply no longer cared about anything because I couldn’t care. It was too obtuse a thought at the time. Since joining this forum I’ve graduated from that. Again, this presented only post-fin. Pre-fin I was a passionate and hard-working person.

So basically, the same thing happened last night, although I took less Phenibut and it was more during the day than the night. I had been up 24 hours and had taken it 8 hours before I finally rested. I was exhausted, having body/muscle aches (very common with my symptoms, especially when fatigued), and I just literally fetal-positioned and slept instantly. I woke up 2 hours later, but managed to roll over for another 3. Awoke from another very deep sleep, this time I remembered bits of my dreams. They were deep dreams though, unlike the more shallow forms I’ve had since the debacle began. Unfortunately all this really seems to do is knock me out, and only help selectively with brain fog, if ever. I suppose the GABA issue may not be the source of brain fog, as when I use such substances, I typically get relaxed and the high expected, but still fumble with my words and impulses.

Anyway tonight is my last night on this for about 4 days, as the manufacturers recommend cycling to avoid a dose-dependent need for more for it to be effective. I don’t necessarily want to comply with this, but will to get the most out of whatever this may bring.

I continue to use the remaining quarter of Sustain Alpha I have, and it’s not doing much if it is doing anything. This was a waste, and did not have the effect it apparently has in other men as an androgen booster/libido restorer. Which indicates it either didn’t do it’s part sufficiently, or there’s something else wrong other than my androgens causing impotence.

My next investment will probably be getting Viagra to try to have a substantially hard and thick erection, and potentially a pump or other device to maximize vascularity. I can’t allow my dick to remain in its current state any longer.

Will post another update if anything note-worthy occurs, but I doubt it. I will lastly say that I once tried Ibuprofen again recently and it actually helped my brain fog somehow, but not too long, and didn’t have the same effect today. It would be worth looking into supplementing with something of the same effect, but stronger, to see if that inflammation notion is a red herring or has credence. Interesting that steroids are used as anti-inflammatories, and we essentially are usually low on steroids like T and related hormones. (Cue CPn guy to come back and say it causes inflammation).

Okay, not sure what is happening, but my mental acuity is like way up and my energy very high. It all started with me contacting a nice girl who helped me out last year. I was nervous over it because she once just shut me out (couldn’t show any semblance of affection beyond muttering due to these side effects, so who can get satisfaction from that), and I care about the person. Then she contacted me, and I became pleased. I went through a catharsis of emotions, as per normal with the side effects we all lug underneath, and suddenly I lied in the shower, and in the shower I started feeling slightly macho. Feeling courage, strength, etc. Quite weird.

I’m a very level headed guy. I have always been lauded for my intelligence, and my academic performances. Then this all happened, and it was like being birthed by Britney Spears and re-learning life in a trailer park, without opposable thumbs. Whatever causes this cascade of a difference between strength and weakness, it’s such a profound human function.

So now I can find the right words and I’m feeling stronger. Feeling like I can handle things again. When I was at my worst I feel like I can’t move anything… it’s weird. An instability, an uncertainty. Like walking on a glass floor, you’re waiting, expecting to fall through and your “juice” to vaporize from your body and become a hallowed out ghastly person.

All I want to do now is earmark a point and just say wow, something weird happened. I feel pretty good. It could be a damn fluke, I don’t know, but something is clicking again. Maybe because something positive happened. But its weird, I’ve NEVER been depressed like this before I took fin that one week in '05, then bam, THREE YEARS of consistent bluntness, can’t do anything physical, swallow down Doctoral incompetence, etcetera. I dunno. I feel pumped at the moment though. I felt like I could do anything, if this continues, I know I will be able to again.

I wish Dr. House could enter into my topic and explain the physiological reason for all of this, but as we all know, no one is as insightful and brilliant. Okay wait yeah, there IS Mew. Haha.

Hoping this continues. Maybe I’m doing something right for once. My theory currently is either I activated my adrenals and really squeezed them out with my emotional catharsis (lol), or it’s something like my nuts are back in business. Who knows. I drank down Tribulus, 6 caps, out of the pill casing (gross and I nearly vomited), maybe when I tried to get the plumbing functional, something triggered and I pumped out adequate androgen.

Agh, well I could type at the speed of light all day. I’m going to walk this off, and see if I can stabilize my control. This is totally bizarre, never went through anything like this in my life.

Oh come on guys, no quick responses? I was expecting a little positivity.

All seriousness, this was relevant - medically relevant. It wasn’t merely the (alleged… I’ve seen ppl and hung out w/ them numerous times, never felt a complete return of brain activity, fluent speech and successful descriptive tendencies) relieving boost of hearing back from someone of the opposite sex. I’ve seen her on and off and never had this sort of behavioral improvement.

I think it may be the withdrawl of Phenibut, but this is only a guess based on very little evidence, that being I used it recently and it had a marked effect in me. Nothing as great as this, but it had AN effect. It allowed me to sleep deeply. Very deep sleeps. Definitely was the stuff because I haven’t had that joy independently. It had this effect for the first two days, but by the third day I wouldn’t say I “went unconscious” via sleep, just satisfactory sleep.

And perhaps it took some push, some strain, for the benefits to arise. The output and outcry for the passion for life I used to have. It was like a miracle. i actually ran today, I jogged many many blocks…usually I’m in so much pain I avoid merely walking my dog halfway down the street.

It can also be the fact that I took 6 Trib caps w/o the casing, and that had a delayed influence.

Who knows. I’m not gonna babble. I feel pretty damn comfortable in my mind, instead of struggling against an invisible wall preventing me from being myself. I’m gonna have myself a nice walk in the cool night and get some rest, because I’m tired now.

I saw family today and they were pretty floored by my sudden revival of wit. We briefly discussed it, but remember this… not a lot of people will give a rats ass about you. Or whatever you’re going through. They usually lack the drive, the sense and the desire it takes to look into your situation and help you. This was classicly a scenario where they clearly didn’t really know who I was or what I was about to begin with, so the finasteride collapse didn’t startle them. I recall even telling my Uncle about the ED I suddenly got on fin - I was distressed and wanted to share the problem, so someone else would at least be aware… and he barely registered it. It’s all me me me, what will I find relevant and valuable. Not is my family okay, or what can I do to help someone in their time of need. Same thing with docs, who might as well have twenties for teeth because that’s usually where their “medical opinions” originate from - their patch of green.

I could go on but I’ll play this by ear. Way too much of a pessimist to believe that this is the end, but gracious enough to thank god that I finally… finally, have had some relief.

Night guys. & Remember (might as well say this while I have the bravado and fluency to do so - do what you have to do to feel better, by any means necessary.

Oh, and psychiatrists can suck my slowly improving cock.


did you take trib before?

Or was this just the effect of time? If you think so, then how long have you been off for?

I truly hope that time from the drug is what aided you, we all do I’m sure. And I’m happy you feel the way you do, I felt that way recently myself for a brief period, and sweet jesus it’s nice to feel that way again, isn’t it? Even if it’s only half of what you used to feel, improvement is everything, it’s hope.

And could you specify what you mean by “slowly improving cock”? Not the sucking part, you made that quite clear.

I completely and utterly understand what you mean by “not a lot of people will give a rats ass about you.” This whole experience has allowed me to understand to what extent we are alone as individuals in this world, and have to look out for ourselves. Trust no one, really. It’s something my father always implied over the years, to be truly wary, but I guess that you have to graduate from the school of hard knocks before you take their lessons to heart. I just wish the lesson wasn’t permanent(?) in this case.

But kudos for the recovery, seriously. Now if only Mew would post a positive improvement in his own case . . .

That’s awesome 3pm. Well there you go - you can feel OK in the right circumstances, it’s just finding the right solution to put you back in it.

Hopefully you ride this out and keep improving. Are you also still on the sustain alpha?

Oh yeah, if yesterday taught me anything it’s that our bodies can be restored. It just requires the right elements.

FYI, this gradually has faded, and I’ve sorta, throughout today, come down from feeling focused and alert and have been having some mental lapses, speech inhibitions, and definitely muscle malaise is tied into this very heavily (at least for me). But its when I think about having sex, and getting closer to someone, that I start to feel that happy feeling again. It feels like euphoria, and that’s what our brains need more than anything else.

I’m just not sure if it’s oxytocin I’m talking about or dopamine. Could always be a wide range of things coming together, but if it has anything to do with oxytocin, that points to hypopituitarism.

But yeah, you have to feel good to feel better. Sounds repeated but as I mean, you need to get a sense of euphoria and bliss in your brain for things to start kicking into gear again. And when it goes down, forget being a comprehensible human being, because its just not happening. No way anyone can get help when they trip over every word and thought. That’s why we’re so alone in this.

Not trying to flood this area, but just thought I would speak up a bit.

(Edit: Also… just now, while I was working myself back up to the pleasurable feelings, I had a pretty decent exp. watching porn. Then I went to lie down and close my eyes, and had the urge to drink alcohol and feel even better, keep the boost up. I struggled against this knowing alcohol is contraindicated in situations of sexual dysfunction but I swallowed a bit, I still feel satisfactory. Not terribly alert but like I just need to chill and let a few emotions wash over me. This really may be a demonstrable effect of the Phenibut…)

Good stuff, man. Well there you go, you now know that you CAN feel fine, which is half the battle. I think part of what keeps people with these sides down is the fear that their bodies are somehow incapable of feeling good anymore. If you keep this up, you could be on the way out of this.

BTW, I apologize for glazing over some questions here - it’s been a rollercoaster as you know. Incidentally, I believe that riding an emotional rollercoaster is necessary in order to bounce back from this episode, as emotional bluntness is all part of what we go through. ithappens alluded to this in passing and I agree. All of my improvements originated from an emotional catharsis and sexual stimulation.

I’ve used Tribulus for the past four weeks at least. Mine comes in the gelatin capsule form, and I hadn’t thought to swallow it outside the casing until last Saturday. It just seems that with those capsules, I don’t benefit the same as if I simply swallow it w/o the casing. It has not ever shown signs of helping me until yesterday. As I’ve said tho, I have completed one cycle of Phenibut and I think that is the bigger help.

I don’t believe this was an effect of time off the drug, because this all started in '05, and although I downed the putrid garbage 1 week again in '07, I was still going through the same stuff pre-07, just w/o knowledge of Propecia’s ability to induce this. I think I activated something neurochemically. I am able to feel bliss and euphoria again with “getting off” and I really lacked that. I can also show restraint, make relevant remarks and not appear to be a total oblivious, clueless fool when talking to someone now. The goal is now to sustain that status and keep it as such.

I don’t. We all know the recovery in time notion is a pretty slim chance, and we need to know what’s behind this so guys can bounce back from visiting hell. 3 years, or 1.5 - however you look at it - off the drug to get your life back, the common man will be living in a garbage bag with bats. It only takes a month really for these symptoms to reign over you and tear your life down, and not only will no one care, but you won’t be able to really explain it, it will be all so much at once. The answer to this debacle is simple - Propecia is an unsafe drug contraindicated for mere MPB and no one who cares about their lives should take it. Why? Because you’re chemically castrating yourself. Just because a doctor approves doesn’t mean it’s not deadly.

LMAO. Hah, just that I’m finding it easier to connect stimulation of my dick with thinking and feeling sexual things. I get elated when I think about touching and kissing etc. No real hard ons but it responds in some manner, either filling up a little or whatever. My goal is obviously to pop one at sheer sight of something hot like we know is normal.

Thanks. I’m not fully there, but it’s nice to know there IS a road to recovery to walk.

Mew doesn’t want to post here because he thinks this is all unconfirmable diatribe, lol. Nah, just joking, I’m putting words in his mouth. :stuck_out_tongue:

I really think he should give SOMETHING a shot, not let his dick stay deflated. It’s crucial to get the blood flowing often. Mine was that way long enough, I need to do whatever it takes now to make sure I get the fill I need, and we’ll see what that means for me later on. ATM I can get mentally turned on and thrilled enough to fuel a fat erection, and it seems to be slowly improving.

Personally, I’d like for him to give this Phenibut a go, since he has very little to lose. Post-fin state of mind is miserable, and this stuff will probably help, with deep sleep especially. You’ll wake up thoroughly enthralled with your somber state. After all of this miserable miasma, I’ve come to admire Mew and all he’s done here. I legit want him to feel some improvement, and I believe this would be a good experiment for him. It’s no instant gratification thing, but it is nice to be knocked out and wake up refreshed, especially when it could play a part in reversing the symptoms.

I still believe hormones are key. My balls - and if you share this let me know - sag lower than pre-fin, are smaller, but feel peculiarly sore and hardened. I’m not sure this is indicative of anything relevant in particular, but I question if they are working. Granted their production has been compromised post-drug, but I know my balls need to kick it up a notch if I’m gonna really cure. So far they’re doing the best they can I feel, I will need 'em to increase in size and production in order to get the sexual responses I would call recovery. Hence why I’m not in the recovery section posting this yet. Every day is an adventure.

I think Goldstein’s method of treating the shrinkage matter makes sense and is basically my plan - to up androgens and get things in working order once again. However high he suggested levels should be I don’t know, but I still have to get to normal horny 20xyr old levels I’m sure. Might very well be something I do in the future, to get my size and composition back, of ay acceptably high T levels I’m still not bigger. We’ll see.

Anyway, I’m staying optimistic. This experience is like waking up to find out you’re on fire. When you’re knocked out (fin-induced brain fog), you don’t know where to begin and are helpless, but once that starts to dissipate and you get a breath of oxygen in your lungs, you wake up and see you’re in trouble and need to act fast. I was so sad about the sexual part of this today, but at least I felt it. I didn’t just figure “eh, this shit sucks” like usual, it was more like “how can I live like this? I need to be there for people and want a future w/ someone, I need to be able to share sex w/ them, how can I get this turned around now” etc. So I feel more alive now, and that’s a good first step.

I will return later to discuss how permanent the elevation of brain fog/improved sexual gratification & response has been. Thanks for all the kind encouragement.

I’m really glad that you are starting to feel improvements. It must be very exciting indeed. I can relate to my balls hanging lower than they ever did pre-fin. It’s actually a little ridiculous looking. My balls hang like an old mans. Hmmmm? Anyway, would you share the brand of Phenibut you took to induce such wonderful sleep? That area has improved for me but it could always be better.

I believe I am aware of what is going on. However, this is not a 100% proven fact, but it is likely and does fit.

I am both low-testosterone and low dopamine. This much I am certain of. My testicles merely need to be observed for the gonadal aspect of this to be evident. However, there was no way to put the pieces together without restoring my dopaminergic system. That is a large part to why we are depressed, do not feel passion for life, and are “zombified” in the brain. Go check out my post in the Other Studies area, you will see the need for these chemicals and their role in arousal, etc.

Phenibut is possibly simmilar to GHB/GBL in its dangers, however, as I learned last night, based upon its withdrawl symptoms. Apparently, beta phenyl-gamma butyric acid gives you a less potent GHB knock out (chemical not known to be as sedative or cause knock outs unless in high high doses, like the idiots at drugs-forum who use like 12 grams), but it’s withdrawl symptoms may be just as potent. When you have stopped Phenibut, it can permit a release of norepinepherine and - if this suspicion is accurate, induce the development of new epinepherine receptors, so that when you’re coming off it, you may get feelings of bliss, euphoria, and even shakes. Worse aspect is that if this gets very bad, it can be very dangerous to your body and cause problems, but I’m nowhere near that dosage. I will never exceed 4 grams in one day, and never use it beyond 3 days consecutively.

It looks like when I was having my catharsis, I was begging for more of that euphoric dopaminergic feeling. And having sexual dreams probably awashed my brain in what it needed - my whole body really - and it was like being on provigil after years of being in a coma. I was strong, alert, and capable of anything.

Anyway, this is good, I’m getting somewhere. I know GHB is better for us, but Phenibut is all I got now and it’s its own horse to ride. I definitely like the initial GABA effect… we really need true rest to just relax once again. Our bodies and minds are in such a suppressed state that we’re under enough stress. All of us could benefit from a few experiences feeling sedated, dream-like and at peace. Be prepared for a contest where its you against the inability to feel, and lying on the floor with your eyes closed to feel the bliss again.

In the meantime, I have resumed Phenibut (2 day wash-out is the minimal after 3 days, but I’m in need of the benefits ASAP), and also aware that this needs to be sufficiently backed by science and mechanism to know the best way to recover. I have considered L-DOPA, as this may activate me mentally without having to play with fire.

I will return to tie this all up… I need to soak in the sun (but not like that song… freakin’ sappy nonsense :smiley: ).


Remember that, and other Merck shills. The truth is coming. The truth does not forget. We crawl to you, to give you a fucking reciept.

Um…can you tell us what brand you are using along with the dosing schedule? Thanks.

Brand: Primaforce

Dosing Schedule: 2g (or less) evenings (before bed) every 3 nights. Permitting at least 2 days to remain off, so as to not develop dependency or dose-dependent tolerance.

I recommend using this as I take the powder out of the pill casing anyway.

I will continue using this method, because it is permitting me to function again. I will not manipulate something that is not broken, but I may consider trying L-Dopa to determine what mechanism is alleviating the symptoms.

When and if you choose to do this, do what the label says and start with the smallest dosages. Work your way up as needed, but never use too much (4 - ? g’s is pointless, seems to have a ceiling effect anyway).

Also don’t expect instant miracles. This stuff gradually helps you. It will have an effect but this is therapy, not a quick fix.

Good stuff, 3pm. Just to check, are you still using Sustain Alpha? If you are, do you think it might finally be helping with the hormonal side of things?

I think it’s great you’re doing well, by the way. Also, I agree there’s very likely a neurotransmitter aspect to all this.