My PFS Story Severe mood swings

I am 19yr old Male student athlete. I was taking finasteride for the last 13 months and randomly at an easy point in my life about a week ago I started having panic attacks in the middle of my sleep that would wake me up and throughout the day without any trigger whatsoever this was immediately met with serious feelings of hopelessness and depression despite my situation being great. I looked this up and saw other people’s stories and was shocked I immediately stopped taking the pill and have been off for 8 days with little to no improvement, matter of fact I would say I got worse, I’ve played basketball everyday for 10 years and I wake up with no motivation or drive to do anything at all, I have severe mood things throughout the day and often find myself only happy when I’m dissociated. Anyone who has any advice or experienced something similar please let me know.

Hi Sam,

I’m very sorry to hear about your story.

On a positive note, as you’ve only been off the drug 8 days, there is a good chance your symptoms will resolve within a normal timeframe. Please try to do as little as possible and relax as best you can for the next few weeks.
