My Long PFS Journey

Thank you both for the advice a quick reply. I’ll hold off

Wise decision. Speaking of which, what histamine intolerance symptoms are you experiencing?

Some of the symptoms include (but not limited to): Nausea, diarrhea, headaches, allergies, food intolerances, eczema, shortness of breath, high pulse, joints pain, mood swings, digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, sinusitis… etc.

I’ve decided to drop Quercetin and experiment with Bromelain and Omega 3. They’re also supposedly helpful. The body normally breaks down histamine via DAO and HNMT enzymes and deficiencies in them may trigger symptoms. Another potential scenario is having too much histamine producing bacterial strains in the gut. I’ve used a Probiotic containing L. Reuteri (supposedly they help raise Testosterone) and that’s triggered it for me. I’m hoping the Probiotic effect will phase out.

Histamine isn’t bad by itself since it serves many vital bodily functions and it is said that it controls LH secretion to produce Testosterone. Too much histamine that body cannot process, however, is another issue altogether.

I’ve noticed that when I take an antihistamine that morning erections return. With out it they are non existent. As far as sides go it is ED, libido and lack of morning erections. I’ve had sides for about three years now.

I’m not really experiencing any of these symptoms…

Some of the symptoms include (but not limited to): Nausea, diarrhea, headaches, allergies, food intolerances, eczema, shortness of breath, high pulse, joints pain, mood swings, digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, sinusitis… etc.

Doomed80… Are you back to losing hair?

That’s great to know. Those symptoms are debilating to say the least! If you see my previous posts you’ll find that I had similar observation regarding morning erections and high histamine. In layman’s terms, when I used pro inflammatory bacterial strains I experienced high histamine symptoms and absent nocturnal/morning erections and lower libido and vice versa. So yes I’d say that hyper inflammatory response (i.e. overactive immune system) plays a role beside hormone levels.

I’ve taken 250mg Bromelain and 1000mg Omega 3 last night and today (in addition to my cocktail) and they seem to ward off high histamine symptoms. It’s way too early to draw conclusion, but yeah I had morning wood today and a decent libido. That said, I’m also doing 30mins treadmill cardio and skipping dinner as a form of intermittent fasting.

My current regimen:

4x resistance training per week
3x treadmill cardio per week
~2500 kcal per day (500-700 calories from fat)
Skipping dinner
Supplements: 80mg Tongkat Ali + 3,000mg DAA + Regular Centrum multivitamin + Omega 3 + 30mg CoQ10 + Coconut oil + ~300mg Vitamin C + 250mg Bromelain

I cycle Testosterone boosters.
Vitamin D level: 45 ng/ml
BF% ~15%

I’ll get a bloodwork done and post results soon. Btw, I started using Cortisone cream for my leg eczema and will see how it effects me.

Good question. Ironically, a girl that I’ve known for years had commented on my increased thinning/receding hair and said that it used to be thicker. Strangely enough, I wasn’t bothered :joy:

So yep my hair isn’t as thick as to used to be a few years ago. I think having higher T:E2 (i.e. higher T & lower E2) for a couple years may be behind it.

Doom, my current T levels are total 404 and free 14.4. The doctors say my free is well in range and that there is no hard line for total (to me TT seems borderline low). In your experience and what you’ve learned do these levels seem normal for a 39 year old male? My only symptoms are sexual sides and the doctors again point to free test and say if it’s normal then testosterone probably isn’t whats causing my symptoms. Truly appreciate anything you can offer.

We are of the same age Man. What a coincidence :slight_smile:

I, too, mainly had issues with sexual issues especially in the arousal/libido department. I agree your total Testosterone is borderline low. Mine hovers around 440 - 500 and I feel it when it goes any lower. I noticed that when ever I manage to elevate my T to be 500 - 600ish and achieve a minimum E2 of ~19 pg/ml, my raging libido and boners would come back full swing.

Your free T is ok’ish, which means your SHBG is likely in a good range, but I feel that raising your T to 500-600ish range would be a game changer for you.

That said, I wish you had your E2 tested. Having high T with low E2 (i.e. < 19) never gave me back my sexuality. Using Clomid at 12.5mg EOD raised my T to high 700s but killed my libido. ANYTHING that lowers E2 while raising T never works for me, as simple as that.

It has to be something that raises both T and Estradiol to a good ratio. I suggest you test the following:
T, E2, SHBG, TSH, Cortisol

You can try 80mg/d Tongkat ali from brand Source Natural & 3000mg/d D-Aspartic Acid from Bulk Supplements for a week and judge how you feel. Combine that with 4x per week resistance training and quality sleep and enough calories (fat & carbs). In the mean time, steer clear from anything that lowers estrogen until you get it tested via sensitive assay.


125mg Bromelain (containing 150 GDU) and 1000mg Omega 3 seem to be helping with my inflammation. My eczema appears to be resolving and not itchy as before. This is a good sign. However, it could just be that the Probiotic effect is phasing out.

Bromelain is very potent, though. I took 500mg as a first dose and made me very nauseous! I could barely tolerate 125mg/day.

I have been on anti-histamines more than finasteride and they did not helped me. though high dose niacin and fish oil really cured my joint pains and urticaria. I am free from anti-histamines after 17 years.

Dude I’m currently suffering from joints problems and uticaria. I never had these before, like ever! They appeared out of nowhere after I took a round of Probiotics with L. Reuteri bacteria. I read they’re histamine producing strains and this is probably triggering my immune system into hyper mode. I’m trying to revert back to normal.

I didn’t want to use anti-histamine drugs so I opted for bromelain & fish oil. I’m a firm believer now that my gut is part of this whole ordeal. I’m researching FMT and reading about patient stories. I wish I could find a reputable clinic and a super donor to get it done. There was a thread on hairloss talk for a poster claiming hair regrowth ang higher testosterone level from FMT.

Brother double your fish oil intake and if you can endure, take 500mg plain niacin every night (If you can endure flush) also, niacin enhances erections and orgasmic feeling right after flush dissapates. This combo kills joint pains. EPA dose must be higher than 1.5g daily. I was taking 750mg epa 180mg dha fish oil daily for a year and one day I noticed that expiration date is close so I started to take it day and night several days later, I noticed that something is different, all my morning stiffness and knee pain was gone…

Also brother make a gene test and check if you have hla-b27. It causes Seronegative Spondyloarthritis… an inflammation without blood markers (rheumatoid factor, crp, anti nuclear antibodies are all negative) extremely hard to diagnose in early phases, it can easily mixed with psycho-somatic pain and it is highly sensitive to gut microbiota.

Just as a warning around this, at least one member from here reports it made them worse from my brief look through a search. Worth bearing in mind

Thank you for sharing @Tzinkman I also read that yet it really helps with joint pains I am on extremely crazy doses on aromasin 25 mg every other day, at one time I was taking 2 mg anastrozole daily then 25 mg Aromasin daily, because of fish oil and niacin I could endure extreme joint pains.
And for the link I specifically recommended EPA fish oil. And yes it is anti-inflammatory that’s how it helps with joint pains and overactive immune system. It is also important how you get these fish oils? Definitely you should not take cod liver oil and prefer triglyceride ones. Also that’s an old work on liver.

Also I had high triglycerides/cholesterol and fatty liver disease. After this combo they miraculously disappeared too. My physician took me off from statins. My urticaria disappeared along the way. But most important thing is my god damn morning stiffness gone!!! I am able to sleep for hours without worrying about neck or upper back pain…

Yet the most important thing is this study, i think;

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I have made my estradiol (E2) too low with AIs (arimidex and aromasin). This disease of PFS is not an estrogen disease!
Too little E2 does in fact cause a lot of what you guys posted. Lack of erections, achy muscles and joint, joint tendon deterioration, gaining weight despite the conventional wisdom about aromatase.
Women take AIs after being diagnosed with breast cancer and they report chemotherapy cognitive impairment/brain fog in addition to the other side effects. Even antiPFS Wikipedia has a wiki on this kind of cognitive impairment.
Estrogen/estradiol is necessary for brain function!!!



FINALLY someone who knows what I’m talking about! I’ve posted zillion studies about E2 & the brain! Even scientists are just beginning to understand that it’s low E2 (Not Testosterone per se) that’s killing Men libido as they grow older. The tricky part is that without enough Testosterone you can’t have optimal E2.

As promised, I had a bloodwork done today at 11:00am and I’m posting the results:

• LH: 6.13 IU/L (1.7 - 8.6)
• Testosterone: 18.22 nmol/L (525 ng/dL)
• E2: 41.18 pmol/L (11.16 pg/mL)
• TSH: 0.903 mIU/ml (0.27 - 4.2)
• Ferritin: 158 ng/ml (30 - 400)
• DHEA-s: 3.93 mcg.mol/L (2.41 – 11.6)
• T/E2: ~48 (ideal should be 15-25)

Ok so I’m back to square one having very low E2 and I’m currently experiencing every symptom in the book. Actually, I’ve grown to be so familiar with my body that I can sense when my E2 drops too low!

I had previous success in the past year increasing E2 to be borderline low normal but there must be something that I’ve done that shot it down. My current symptoms include emotional blunting, low libido, low motivation, lethargy, achy sore joints, low back pain, tendonitis, cold hands and feet, poor short term memory, low mood, headaches, frequent urination, weak nocturnal and morning erections, absent spontaneous erections. This is all happening despite normal Testosterone level.

My calculated T/E2 ratio is 48 and the ideal is 15 - 30. I’ll review my journals to revert back to my previous routine.



I would like to know an efficient method of increasing estradiol levels kindly. Perhaps with a diet rich in soy? My E2 is also very low, and it certainly contributes to the lack of libido and erections.

Sorry but SOY won’t do SH…T about your E2! Actually it may lowers it further! The hypothesis that Men are experiencing high estrogen levels these days because they are eating a lot of soy and other phytoestrogens foods and are exposed to xenoestrogens is total horse SH…T ! It’s ridiculous.

Eating phytoestrogens lowers E2 not increase it. I proved my theory through challenging 4 of my friends who are in the same age group as me and are experiencing low libido, poor erections and mental issues to get their Testosterone & E2 levels tested and guess what “THEY WERE ALL HAVING LOW E2”. Btw, none of them have ever touched finesteride.

E2 is made in this manner:

  1. Conversion from Testosterone via aromatase
  2. Produced directly from testicles
  3. Produced from adrenals
  4. Re-absorbed from the gut after being deactivated by the liver and dumped into the bile

So to increase your E2, you need to increase total Testosterone and optimize T --> E2 Conversion. Don’t take anything that blocks aromatase enzyme. Check you DHEA-s level and make sure it’s within normal range. Improve your gut function.

Sorry but these are the only things on top of my head now. I just checked my journal and saw that my Vitamin D has gone up from 35 ng/ml to 45 ng/ml. This could partially explain why my E2 went down because fat soluble vitamins are known to bring E2 down.

I dare to say it now; it’s NOT PFS per se that’s causing my symptoms now. It’s E2 + inflammation

I had PFS for a long time but I’m facing a different issue now. It could very much be PFS that have triggered this hormonal shift for me, though.