My life is ruined with only 3 doses of finasteride

I wanted to wait a bit longer before posting this, but it appears that I am now a homosexual. My gay desires happened about a week ago.
I was thinking they would go away, but now I can only get erections by looking at gay porn.

Woah crazy, did you have any homosexual tendencies before finasteride?

No. Absolutely none. I was the straightest guy ever, and now I turned into the gayest guy ever.

Hmm very strange seems like there is no limits to what PFS can do. While I’ve never felt attracted to guys after finasteride I have felt less masculine at stages which has gone back to normal, hopefully this is a temporary thing for you as well.

brother, are you serious? this must be some kind of joke?
I mean you must have had some desires right, perhaps bi-sexual!?

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This is no joke. I actually looked this up and it seems several members here experienced the same thing.


Are you okay with being gay? or is this something you are worried about?

Well, it’s not the gayness that bothers me but the fact that this came out almost 4 months after quitting.
I’m afraid more things may pop up.

I guess my body is still changing.

Thats for sure.

Just dont do anything that you might regret… Wait it out for a few months.

Seems my back pain is slowly getting worse after that recovery period. It’s still not nearly as bad as before, but it’s disappointing to take a few steps back. I’m not even sure if it’s due to the food I eat.

Here’s to hoping I make a recovery again.

brother, how are you doing?
you mentoined 100x itchy scalp in your ‘i am gay’ thread.

Is this still the case? I have extreme itch on my scalp for 4 days straight…

I’ve found this illness, seems like I have it

Hey, man. I’m still hanging in there.

Yes, I did have 100x itchy scalp. I should’ve worded it better. The itching was there in the beginning months of PFS, and now I don’t have that itch anymore. I actually think it’s itching less than pre-fin. I meant to say that I wasn’t imaging having 100x itchy scalp.

Are you sure it’s that and not just catch-up hairloss from the months when you weren’t losing hair?

Back is doing better today.

No it really feels like inflammation of my scalp.
When it itches heavy and I scratch my scalp and a hair comes loose, I sometimes see this tiny hard white bulb of keratin, as mentioned in that article about lichen planopilaris (aka scalp/follicle inflammation). I did have scalp itch pre-fin, but it seems like a lot more now for the last four days. Maybe its the hormones that are still trying to re-stabilize, i hope it will subside.

Good to hear that the back pain has subsided, its just awful these symptoms.
Im doing another hormonal test in the beginning of august to see if my levels have balanced/fluctuated.

I’m sorry to hear you’re developing new sides.
I know the itching sucks, especially when it’s combined with heavy shedding, but I still think the best route for all of us is to do nothing. Just eat healthy, don’t stress and exercise.

If you’re developing itching and I’m developing homosexual tendencies, then it’s obvious our bodies still haven’t balanced our hormones.

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I think you’re right. Like the veterans on here told me initially, being kind to your body and waiting is probably the best route. Still having sides sucks but if trying various supplements means risking going back to the hell I was in a few months ago, no thank you.

My back is doing better today, but something feels weird in my upper abdominal area.
I still can’t believe how much physical damage just 3 doses did.

I hate myself.

These fluctuating symptoms are starting to piss me off.

First my back is hurting and my stomach is fine, then my stomach feels bloated and uncomfortable while my back is fine.

I think I need to find something to do to keep my mind off this shit.

I think I reached some kind of plateau with my recovery.
Will check in few minutes each day for messages, but I will be taking a break from these forums. I’ve been feeling very depressed lately.

For some reason, I had difficulty falling asleep last night. I think I only got around 5 hours of sleep.

In other news, my back is doing much better recently. I could walk longer than before without pain.
My joint popping noises have gone down significantly.
My digestion is still not right, but at least I’m not in pain.

Hope everyone is doing well.