I took fin for 3 months, discontinued and faced the next 11 months in the most severe condition I’ve ever been in.
I had no libido. Brain fog to the point of feeling mentally disabled. Anxiety that was so bad I couldn’t look people in the eyes without getting light headed.
I am a drug user. I love psychedelics. I kept tripping after the damage fin caused me and slowly saw my mental kingdom become destroyed. Where psychedelics used to provide me with images of God’s and goddesses, they became replaced with skeletons and demons. From there, my visuals slowly degraded further into broken visuals. Forms that would have looked like complex figures turned into mooshy abstract things. It felt like my brain was literally melting by my last trip. I contribute this solely to finasteride damage, as I have been using these for years and before fin never had a problem. It saddens me greatly that I’ll probably never trip again because of the fear it causes me now. I saw my inner world transform from beautiful into a dysfunctional ugly mess. It’s a miracle that I have my wits about me still.
I tried multiple treatments to help my fin sides.
Vitamin b’s, a, e, iodine, salt, multivitamins, omega, more dht inhibitors (because obviously that was gonna help/s). Fasting, other drugs like MDMA (which provided short term relief at best). Masutrbating, not masturbaring. Removing blue light. Removing sugar. Exercising. I browsed this God damn site so much that I felt utterly helpless.
NOTHING HELPED. Until recently.
I took zinc and notice some improvement. Some. Very minor.
B6 helped a bit more.
Then magnesium glycinate. Magnesium saved me. I must have been horribly deficient. Within the first days of taking it, I felt relief. I started feeling drive, I started gaining muscle back, I started feeling happy. I can feel emotions again. I always tried my best to socialize but I couldn’t feel. Now that I can feel, my art, my relationships, everything is so improved. I feel alive. I can sympathize with people again because I can feel. Everyone I socialize with now seem so lively and happy to be around me. I cannot express how happy this makes me.
My tips to you from my experience:
Get your base vitamins. Deficiencies cause HELL. And you are probably deficient. Multivitamins don’t always help. I actually feel like they made me worse.
DON’T, alter your hormones again. Clomid, inhibitors, steroids, will not help. It will only unbalance you more.
Your mind is powerful, but also stupid. Try stepping back from your internal thoughts. Don’t use your inner voice, don’t talk inside your head. I don’t know why, but this helped me so much.
Your libido doesn’t mean anything if you provoke it from a place of anxiety or dependence. You don’t need to feel like you need to masturbate. That’s not libido. You will know when your libido is strong when women start illiciting feelings again. Don’t try to force yourself to feel emotion. It doesn’t work.
If I were to advise you on where to start, I’d start with supplementing magnesium. Your shits might be gross from supplementing magnesium, but it’s worth it. (I reccomend glycinate, magnesium citrate gave me horrible ibs and oxide isn’t very bioavailable.)
Zinc is good, but don’t supplement too much of it. 25 mg a day is fine. It increased my appetite to a healthy degree but I quit taking zinc after I felt I had gained what I could from it.
Overall, don’t give up. Never give up. I still browse this site from time to time to check in, but I am distancing myself from it more because I want to move on.
And one last thing, do not focus on what you could be or what you lost, focus on improving your baseline. Everytime you improve your baseline, you progress further and after a while your baseline will be optimal.
That’s it. I wish you all the best. Please do take care of yourselves.