My insurance ran out without me knowing

very upset right noe my insurance ran out without me knowing about it . I turned 26 I was supossed to have it until December and they just cut it on me. Luckily I’ve been feeling better but I wanted to get my blood work done one last time so see the what was going on. Maybe this is a sign not to mess with this anymore .idk. I am making a solid recovery but this still sucks . I have to wait a year to get my unions insurance . If anyone has any suggestions could you please let me know . Maybe I can get on government health insurance or somthing

Take comfort that blood tests generally don’t show anything particularly helpful around here.

My t was low last time I went . I just wanted to see if it recovered along with my old self coming back. Idk. Ive been working so hard on my self and im seeing great results. I just wamted that tedt to confirm what I have been feeling. Everything has been better . Hair growth , depression, erections only thing still not the same is labido. Its at about 85 to 95 percent. I meanat this poinr im ok with that. Atleast im not in a fog anymore but still .

Wouldnt give a freaking damn about my T if I feel better…Maybe you can test it in 2 to 3 years if you feel the need to, but otherwise let it be…I’m glad you are feeling better :slight_smile:

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It might be better to just keep doing what you’re doing than attempting to follow a reading from a blood test. If you feel better, go with it.

…pretty much as @silentpain89 said!

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I guess so. I don’t have the feminine bitchy feeling anymore so I guess I has to be getting better. My t level was coming up below 300 I could litteraly feel it if that makes sense . Feels like a part of me was missing. Now it only feels like im missing about 1/4 of my self . I want to feel 100 percent tho. I have noticed the testicle that shrunk has been hurting lately but at the same time its getting plump again lol. Maybe its healing itself . This whole thing has been a crazy ride. Ive gotten clean off heroin and that did not even compare to the ups and downs ive had with this. But i recovered from that so maybe my body is resilent to getting fucked up or somthing Took me about 4 years of being clean to finally feel normal then I put more poison into my body. I was so mad at myself . I had most of the same feelings getting clean that I did coming of this shit

Don’t let the insurance bit dishearten you. You will be able to fix that in time. As others have said, you don’t really need the tests. Just stay away from drugs, and keep up the good work you have been doing. Try not to break limbs in the meantime. You were on a great track what I gathered from your other posts, keep at it and stay hopeful, you are doing great and your story inspired me to exercise!

I’m not gonna let it set me back. I think im just pissed off. And im glad your working out! Im lifting as we speak. Going to run 2 miles after this . . And i stopped taking all vitamins and even started cutting my st johns wort back. Been 2 days half the original dose . I actually feel better cutting it down. Im glad I was able to inspire you . That makes me feel really good. And I honestly just wanted to see what my testoserone is. And I needed the doctors appointment for the lawsuit I have. And im staying away from the drugs . I built my self a really good life i have a great job a great girl and a little house in the woods with a nice truck. I won’t let anything take what I have built away from me not even these side effects that have put me through hell

Another postive went from only being able to run .7 miles to running 1.8 miles in 2 weeks time. Recovery is possible guys .