My infinite profound sleep dysfunction

As I have reported previously, I am a 51yo in Washington DC (Mel H.) and am extremely fortunate to have inexplicably/fully/naturally recovered from worst-case scenario PFS (profound sexual and emotional dysfunction, body feminization, raccoon eyes, etc.) in 2.5 years (Dec 2014 - June 2017). See my prior threads for details.

However, profound sleep dysfunction has persisted since June 2014. Technically, it is not POST FS because it occurred six months before my PFS crash. Apparently taking Finasteride for 15 years permanently and utterly destroyed my brain’s sleeping controls!

Fortunately it is the only medically treatable PFS malady. (I 1000% reject alternative medicine.) From May 2015 - Dec 2016, resperidone/nortriptyline combo restored normal sleep but ceased working permanently (I unsuccessfully tried this combo again twice in later years.)

This year I tried trazodone for two weeks. It is a nightmare drug, mimicking PFS’ sexual and emotional dysfunction, zombified me!

I also retried Belsomra, which works very poorly for me and is extremely expensive in US.

Anyways I have maintained periodically a sleep journal this year showing how ludicrous my sleep/rest has been since Dec 2016. I very rarely sleep unconsciously. Instead, I usually become sleepy at random times and rest lightly-deeply. These “rest naps” are unpleasant because I remain conscious and aware of events and cannot sleep. But they mysteriously keep me alive somehow inexplicably and I feel normal when awake.

Although incomplete the days recorded are typical of the ENTIRE period since Dec 2016.

If you’ve “enjoyed” similar PFS sleep dysfunction and have constructive- not flaky - suggestions, please write me directly at

Hey there , I have actually replied to you in the past but I don’t seem to ever hear back from you…
Sleep issues are the main issue for me being on this site so I’m always interested to find other people’s issues and learn if I can.
1st of all are you sure this is finasteride related ? I know sleep disturbances are commmon on here but this seems fairly extreme, how do you think you can survive this long without proper REM? Have your daily functions been affected like memory, logical processing etc? Have you been to a sleep disorder clinic or a specialist?