I have finally started to put on muscle again this week. I have noticed I’ve gained weight and my muscles are bigger everywhere. I have been working out the past few weeks and taking creatine and protein. I’ve noticed my androgenicity as well. Oilier a little more body hair and some minor hair shedding. However, sexually I have zero libido still and different levels of ED. I noticed this week that as my body gets stronger, my sexual state declines. My testicles feel a little smaller as well. I think my body is producing more testosterone, but the estrogen ratio is causing sexual stuff to worsen. I even feel more fat in the breast, stomach, ass at times. But overall feel and look bigger and stronger.
I have continued to get things back slowly in terms of living a normal life (except for sex). Sleep, mental ability, mood, athletic ability, ability to drink, feel the ‘buzz’ a little better, etc. all seem to be getting better. Sexually, I am done. nothing has got better.
However, I took a lot of this for granted and figured I was out of the woods and went on a more than usual bender last Saturday night. I drank waaaaay more than usual and I crashed Sunday night. Unlike past crashes, the feeling of complete and utter despare is not evident. I don’t feel as fatigued and don’t get that feeling of being completely dead when I wake up in the morning.
This crash has proved to me that I am not out of the woods and may never get there. I now know that the liver is the centerpiece of this problem. I can feel estrogen completely taking over my body over the last three days. Nipples are puffy, I have a pouch on my lower stomach, breasts are swollen, muscle has gone down drastically in three days, beard growth has slowed, night sweats, sleep not as deep, dry skin, penis is completely numb, testicles extremely shrunken. Thighs and ass are blown up.
It really seems to be an androgen/estrogen ratio problem staring me right in the face. With the liver compromised and unable to clear estrogen, it seems to be running wild in my body.
It should be of note that I have not taken any supplements, drugs etc. in months. I plan on doing another liver detox in September.
Another weird thing is that I feel a dull pain and some stretches of a burning sensation on my scalp. I feel like I am losing hair. This was the case when I was on the drug as well. I’ve lost almost all my hair since I started the drug. I really believe that the rise of estrogen during and post drug has caused my hair to fall out. I believe that the entire medical and hair loss industry has no clue about the cause of hair loss. If anything, I believe that the raise in estrogen may cause the follicle to have a greater affinity/sensitivty to DHT and therefore be the cause. So at the end of the day estrogen is the main culprit in men. Especially with the fact that young men have high testosterone and full heads of hair and then lose it when they are old and have significantly less Testosterone and more Estrogen.
After a little over a year and a half I had severe muscle twitching come back last night. I couldn’t sleep and they were radiating through the back muscles. I had intermittent twitch beneath my left eye also over the weekend. Prostate has been sore and infammated as well. I guess this normal with this disease. Mew reported muscle twitching returning around the 18 month mark as well.
Magnesium oil has really helped me with muscle twitches during sleep. Massive amounts.
Hey PS - not saying this is correct but read this:
The Real Reason Why Men Lose Their Hair.
By William Wong ND, PhD, Member World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame
A pot bellied, thin armed balding man with a slight erectile dysfunction looks to his wife proudly and proclaims “My doctor says I’m losing my hair because I have too much testosterone.” Ah, pride cometh before the fall! Look at your usual specimen of balding male; honestly does the average balding male look like he has too much testosterone floating 'round his body? Does he have: Good musculature, tight waist, great sexual function, consistently good erection size, good moods, no depression, great mental drive? Vin Diesel might still have all or most of these attributes but he would be one of the few balding men I can think of that does. In most guys loosing hair comes along with an increase in the hormone Di Hydro Testosterone, the swollen prostate, prostate cancer and hair loss hormone. And, sorry to tell you guys, DHT is not really testosterone despite its name and being classified as an androgen (male hormone)! In vivo (in live people not in a test tube or on paper), DHT is mostly made from estrogen. And, estrogen levels in the body have to increase before DHT levels get critical enough to cost you your hair. It is estrogen that causes muscle loss, fat gain, cranky moods, depression, swollen prostates and lack of mental drive.
The University of Iowa did a study some years back where they injected a group of 18 to 20 year olds with 600 times more testosterone than they already had! (1). (It’s a wonder these guys didn’t impregnate every gal in Iowa and both the Dakotas)! During the entire duration of the fairly long study, a control group of men aged 50+ was monitored for the same things the young men were being monitored for: Total and Free Testosterone level, Estrogen level, DHT levels and other pertinent things. The control group received no hormones or medications during the study period.
During the time of having super high T levels the young men had low DHT levels! Their DHT levels remained consistent and did not elevate. AND their estrogen levels remained low as well. This came as a surprise, because the prevailing thought among MD endocrinologists (who really don’t know much about hormones) was that as T levels rose so would DHT levels and that T would convert to E and increase estrogen levels. That flatly did not happen. What also did not happen were any increases in prostate size, testicular or prostate cancer or the onset of any other malignant disease.
Meanwhile back in the old guys control group; during the entire time of the study their T levels were constantly decreasing, their estrogen levels were constantly elevating and with the increase in estrogen was an increase in DHT. With the increase in both E and DHT there was in increase in prostate swelling and dysfunction and I believe there were one or two cases of prostate cancer developed in this control group during their time under study.
This was a landmark work and you don’t have to be Einstein to figure out what the study is saying. Normally from the age of 35 on, a mans testosterone level begins to decline. Making that worse is a new study finding which showed that men these days of any age are making 20% less testosterone than men of the same age were making just a short 20 years ago! Aside from the cost to sexual function, fertility, great moods, mental drive, zest for life, bone density and muscularity this means that the X’er generation will go into Andropause earlier than the Boomers did! 35 to 40 instead of 40 to 45. What is Andropause? It’s death! The death of your time as a fully functional, strong and fully able sexual guy! After andropause if you work hard as hell at anti-aging programs and exercise you’ll be able to retain most of your former function - if you work at it. If not, the decline in all the above mentioned benefits will set in at a speed between gradual, (as is had in some men) to sudden (as happens in others). And by 45 to 50 the decrease in ability and function will be so deep and noticeable as to be life changing in a very negative way. But back to hair loss.
If DHT creates hair loss, how can you keep from making DHT, how can you increase your testosterone levels and how can you keep your estrogen levels low?
- Let’s start with controlling estrogen.
By 35 we are making a good bit of it. By 40 to 45 we have a higher estrogen level than our wives do! Now some of the estrogen is made and some of the estrogen is acquired. First let’s talk about avoiding estrogen exposure.
We are bathed in a sea of estrogen daily. Environmental estrogen’s are called xeno estrogen’s and they come from: exposure to pesticides, organo phosphate fertilizers, petro chemical fumes, the esters of plastic containers, but by far the worst sources of estrogen exposure is soy and flax. Soy is everywhere, not only in soy milk, miso and tofu but since it is a cheep form of protein, soy is also found in most all prepared foods. Read the label of everything from bread to frozen meat patties. You’ll find soy. Each glass of soy milk contains the equivalent of 3 to 5 low estrin birth control pills worth of estrogen per glass (it’s in the isoflavones). In soy formula given babies the ratio is worse, there it is 5 to 8 birth control pills worth per every 8 ounces of soy formula. No wonder some girls hit menstruation at 6 or 8 and some boys grow up not knowing they are boys! But for more on that read my article “Soy The Poison Seed".
The flax oil we have been told is so good for our hearts is likely killing our testicles! The lignans of flax have the same estrogenic effect as the isoflavones of soy. So if you treasure your manhood stop eating soy both non fermented and fermented, and switch from flax oil to olive oil and cod liver oil for your lipid nutrients.
Next to control your own E production we can use a product called Myomin. The Chinese herbal blend Myomin is: 1) an aromatase inhibitor, something that will prevent your own testosterone from converting into estradiol and estrone (the two worst forms of human estrogen) and 2) an estrogen blocker filling up the E receptors and not allowing the E to have a physiological action while at the same time helping to get rid of the E through metabolization by the liver.
I just purchased Myomin and will give it whirl - STD
keep us posted about how you are doing with Myomin.
STD - have you tried arimidex or nolvadex?
Yes - I ran a two month course of Nolva. Lowered my E from 56 to ~40. Not low enough…
I wanted Arimidex but my docs would not allow it
how did you react to Nolvadex/Tamoxifen. Did you get better in some way?
Actually, not really. I had more success with bringing my E level down naturally with Dim than Nolva. My free T and T levels stayed exactly the same on Nolva and I had no increase in libido. After the two month course my doc threw up his hands and suggested a new doc. The new doc wanted to take me off everything and was a big believer in time fixing everything.
I took tamoxifen 20mg for three days, then 10mg for two days and 5mg for two days (one week in total) and my penis shrunk and got thinner. I really don’t know why? It still is like that and did not return to “normal” state even though it is over three months ago that I took tamoxifen. However, before tamoxifen my penis was always a bit “swollen”. But it was definitely better to have a “swollen” penis than a shrunk and thin penis (I lost girth after tamoxifen - also my erections were more firm before tamoxifen)
I am really lost. I think my body has some sort of problem to correctly “process” hormones. I don’t know?
Woah - was this given by a doc or self dosed? Not sure why it would have shrunk your penis. Did you masturbate alot during these days?
I self dosed. didn’t masturbate at that time.
Keeping my liver clean has been the only thing that has helped me rid my body of estrogen. Whenever I drink, my situation gets worse. I started another course of chinese bitters last week and have felt great the past week. The stuff is amazing.
Where did you buy your chinese bitters from?
I’m terrible again. I have been experiencing testicle pain the past three days. Can’t sleep. Depression and anxiety has come back too. This had not been a problem for at least six months. Pretty amazing.
I have had a massive crash. Testicles/penis completely shrunken, can’t sleep, can’t eat, depression, anxiety, brainfog have come back huge. I don’t know how this is even possible. Again, the result of alcohol and stress. I sort of have a feel as to what is happening to me. I can feel my hpta being shut down right now. Definitely estrogen dominant right now. I’ve been so depressed I’ve been crying and everything, figity, can’t think straight. This is terrible. All this stuff had gone away a long time ago.
Shit. Same sort of thing here although i am going in waves. We crashed around the same time too.
Estrogen dominant? maybe you should get some nolvadex or something?
Pro - I am having the same exact issue right now…