My History

  1. Where are you from (country)?

  2. How did you find this forum (Google search – if so, what search terms? Via link from a forum or website – if so, what page? Other?)

  3. What is your current age, height, weight?
    28 YEARS OLD, 74 kg 1,74 m

  4. Do you excercise regularly? If so, what type of excercise?
    Anaerobic, 3 times a week.

  5. What type of diet do you eat (vegetarian, meat eater, raw, fast-food/organic healthy)?
    Meat Eater

  6. Why did you take Finasteride (hair loss, BPH, other)?
    Hair Loss

  7. For how long did you take Finasteride (weeks/months/years)?
    About 6 to 7 month in non regular, last time I took it for 16 days and I crashed.

  8. How old were you, and WHEN (date) did you start Finasteride?
    25 years old

  9. How old were you when you quit, and WHEN (date) did you quit?
    28, 26 jun of 2016

  10. How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)?
    Cold Turkey

  11. What type of Finasteride did you use – Propecia, Proscar, Fincar or other generic?
    I took Apeplus, i am form south america

  12. What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)?
    1 mg/day

  13. How long into your use of Finasteride did you notice the onset of side effects?
    After the las 16 days on it.

  14. What side effects did you experience while on the drug that have yet to resolve since discontinuation?

Put an X beside all that apply:

[x] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[x] Erectile Dysfunction
[x] Complete Impotence
[x] Loss of Morning Erections
[x] Loss of Spontaneous Erections
[x] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[x] Watery Ejaculate
[x] Reduced Ejaculate
[ ] Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm
[ ] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[ ] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[x] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[ ] Confusion
[x] Memory Loss / Forgetfullness
[x] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[ ] Slurring of Speech
[x] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[x] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[x] Severe Depression / Melancholy
[x] Suicidal Thoughts

[ ] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[ ] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[x] Testicular Pain
[ ] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
[ ] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[ ] Weight Gain
[x] Gynecomastia (male breasts)
[x] Muscle Wastage
[ ] Muscle Weakness
[x] Joint Pain
[ ] Dry / Dark Circles under eyes

[ ] Prostate pain
[ ] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[x] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[ ] Constipation / “Poo Pellets”
[ ] Vision - Acuity Decrease / Blurriness
[ ] Increased hair loss
[ ] Frequent urination
[ ] Lowered body temperature

[ ] Other (please explain)

  1. What (if any) treatments have you undertaken to recover from your side effects since discontinuation of the drug?
    Nothing yet, just started clean eating.

  2. If you have pre or post-Finasteride bloodtests, what hormonal changes have you encountered since discontinuing the drug (pls post your test results in the “Blood Tests” section and link to them in your post)?
    Little high on Prolactine, just that.

  3. Anything not listed in the above questions you’d like to share about your experience with Finasteride?

  4. Tell us your story, in your own words, about your Finasteride usage and side effects experienced while on/off the drug.
    It’s driven me crazy, i have no zest for life, i don’t have any Libido, nor erections at all unless with sildenafil.

Hope my body return to its homeostasis.

hello, please read new protocols in recovery sections.

Things that will benefit you:

Water Fasting. (not too long unless under medical care)
Supplements. (amino acids, vitamins, minerals etc…)
Healthy eating. (cut out all junk food, only natural, broccoli etc…)
Exercise. (Don’t over exert yourself though, may lead to another crash, take it easy)
Go to bed early. (no late nights, aim for 8 hours sleep)
Stretching and meditation. (First easy, latter not so)
Don’t keep visiting this site for the mean time. (For your benefit, best to forget about all problems associated with propecia after discontinuation, come back when you believe you’ve given yourself enough time to naturally recover but haven’t, however if you do naturally recover, it’ll be great feed back for the guys here)

Follow these key steps, sure you’ll be fine, most men don’t suffer persistent side effects after discontinuation.

Stay calm, be happy, enjoy life.

Thank you very much!!

So I am about to enter in my 3rd month after my crash, tinnitus and my gyno are getting worse, almost complete impotence.
I had 3 weeks of good libido and lots of erections two weeks ago, I was taking maca and tribulus, wanted to see if i could stay in that way with out those herbs so I stoped theme and then i crashed again and harder.

i did a water fast of 40 hours last week and them i could have sex two days in a row, them then I could not even masturbate more.

Sildenafil works fine for me, I began taking 50 mg , then 25 with the same result, and the last time I took the half of the 25 mg pill and it still worked (i don’t want my body to get use to it) so i talked to my girl friend and i am taking it only 2 times per week.

I have to add that i am drinking a lot of beet juice and watermelon, especially the white part, they boost the effect of the sildenafil.

(SORRY ABOUT MY ENGLISH i am Spanish native speaker)