Sorry Softie if I’m railroading this thread a little, but this seems like good place to add a little support of what I was saying about other levels from the yahoo group. The following are a few excerpts I cut and pasted from a thread I started over there about my blood test results. pmgamer18 is one of the mods, who has been very helpful and has personal experience with treatments (although he apparently does not have a comma button on his keyboard, so I sometimes have to read his posts two or three times):
Your Estradiol is very high in the units we use in the US your at 74
pg/ml youshould be below 40 between 10 to 30 for some best at 20.
This by it's self will lower your Testosterone your brain can't tell the
difference between theTestosterone and Estradiol so if Estradiol is
very high your brain thinks it's Testosterone. I would get on some
Arimidex doing .5mgs every otherday then retest in 4 to 6 weeks.
Here is a link about this it's about older men but happens to any age.
You just might luck out and find your Testosterone levels will come
back up. Bottom line you need to find out why your levels are low
before going on T meds.
Another poster:
I have a question. Without proper E2 management, could TRT do more
harm thangood? Remember when I was taking those monthly shots? A
large amount of testosterone was introduced into my body which was
later subjected to aromatase that later converted into E2 doing me as
much harm as good.
I know there's been talk in the forum on the subject but I'm beginning
to believe that yes, the two are equally important. With TRT should
come E2 management as well. I know it is necessary but I hadn't
considered placing as much emphasis on it until recently. When we
speak of TRT we should also speak of E2 management.
Yes E2 is just as much needed in testing and treatment as T even now
in the first round of tests Dr. need to check E2 because if it's high it
shuts down the Pituitary from sending LH to the testis to make T and
just getting the E2 down the testis make T again. So if a Dr. tests a
man and only tests his TT, FT, LH and FSH not testing E2. The mans
levels can come back low on TT,FT,LH and FSH and the Dr. would think
it's a Pituitary problem but it can be his E2 is to high. The brain can't
tell the difference between E2 and T so when it sees E2 high it thinks
it's T and stops sending the LH message to the Testis to make more
Anyway, since even Dermacrine Sustain can stimulate Testosterone production, the implications are the same: more T = more E2 for many people. I think, therefore, like these guys, that E2 is an absolutely vital part of any test, along with things like Total and Free T. I emphasize it more frantically, though, because it might be one of the least understood and most overlooked for our conditions, which means you might have to be really insistent with docs about even getting it tested. If they refuse to test it then go elsewhere.